I am so pleased to have subscribed. Your thoughts, recipes and general content are supportive of progressing through life with consideration and thoughtfulness. Please let us know how you get on with medical tests and so forth as we are all ( I hope I speak for everyone!) concerned for you as though you are related. I am scheduled for a major surgery in July and a lengthy recovery thereafter and at my age it is rather daunting. So, seeing your posts on Instagram of daily supportive messages are very appealing. I look forward to them everyday. And, the title of your blog "The Comfort Chronicles" is very appropriate as you appear to be a very supportive person, perhaps to a fault? Self care first always, right? In any case, I for one am on your side. Go Steph!

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Hey Ruth, firstly, thank you, thank you SO MUCH for your delightful message, your support means everything! I will keep you posted on my health... actually I have considered putting this down in a bit more detail - do you think it is something people would appreciate knowing more about? I'm conscious of this page not being 'all about me' but if it helps others to hear about what's going on with me, I'm so open to sharing!

As for you, I'm so sorry to hear you too are going through a bit of a rough time, I tell you what though, I had some surgery (first ever) last year - it was minor so I was very fortunate in that respect, but I know how daunting it can be, and anything with a long recovery time is scary. I know it's hard but... try not to let fear get the better of you - I'm terrible for this, but experience tells me it's SO useless, medics are there to support you and they will take good care of you, equally when you come out the other side 1. food and coffee never tasted so good FACT, 2. it's a marathon not a sprint, treat yourself as the best project you will ever work on, be dedicated about doing things right to aid your recovery - rest like a good'un and I'm with you in spirit, take care. XX

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How delightful to see your reply. And, thank you for your kind words of support. We all need to do this for each other all the time, don't we. I never expected to receive a reply, so again, thank you for your time and considered words. I must insert that when I watched the GBBS, I rooted for you from day one as you physically remind me of one of my grand daughters, but the more I watched I realized what an incredibly talented person and baker you are. So, kudos for doing the show and coming out on top in talent and thoughtfulness.

Now, I would only say a few words about divulging too much online. My youngest grand daughters experienced terrible harassment about some of their content - having to do with acceptance of others and support of those who identify as "different" from the "norm". If you are ready and able to deal with those who can't stand to see your success, then by all means share what you think appropriate. I would merely caution you as I have done my grand daughters to be wary. Simply know that you will have my support no matter what your choice is in the end.

My condition is not terminal but could be if I don't get it corrected as it impacts my overall health in the long run. I hesitate to share too much as it isn't really helpful to anyone who might read it. A phone conversation is much different and even then I am only willing to share with very close family (son and daughter) but have decided to keep it close to the vest with everyone else. It would not help them to know. That position might help you to make your decision as regards revealing your situation and health concerns to an online audience.

I cherish your words and take them to heart. I will carry your reply with me as I look forward to a difficult time. So, right back at you - take care. XX Ruth

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Hey steph! I'm from FL in the US :)

This is so fun to read! Girl if you learn anything about sewing, please tell us, because I am hopeless and would love to learn those basics as well haha.

I used to watch Bake Off to relax/sleep as well!! And I too seek validation from others when I probably shouldn't. We're awesome as we are and that's a mindset I'm trying to stick with more. PS on that though, you're definitely pretty cool and super inspirational, so thats some validation for you today lol ;)

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Hey Kylie, Right... so I have spoken to Raph from last years series - he recommended:

You Tube - especially Singer, they have som good videos apparently, he also recommended a couple of books

- 'The Encyclopaedia of Sewing" by Wendy Gardiner - which I think is quite a deep book but very useful nonetheless

- "The sewing book" by Alison Smith - which is a more modern version that tells you what to have in your basic Sewing kit.

In terms of material - use what you got is his suggestion, duvets, table cloths, old garments, get creative... I'm yet to get going... oops, but I desperately want to!

Thank so much for the support and as you say, we are awesome as we are!!


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Just seen this! Been offline quite a bit apparently, how rare for me. Thank you very much, I appreciate the response! ❤️

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Hi Steph ,, I enjoy following everyone’s bakes , yours I feel are more special because you put more thought into it. I hope all goes well with your tests and my comfort is Breads and such ,My grand parents came to the States from Italy so I like artisan breads! Baking is a comfort to me from a hectic and adventurous life from the military to today ! I wrecked one of my Harley Davidsons a couple years ago and it laid me up for nearly 6 months where I watch a lot of tv (which I never do) and was watching baking channels which is how I found GBBO !! My other comfort is well Whiskey or a good Gin and tonic🤣.

Hope all goes well for you Steph , there are good people left in this world and if you can’t please everyone then tell them,,,,, I really can’t say that here 🤣

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I love this! I just wrote on my to do list “find a good recipe “ and read your lovely blog and see the Rachel from friends recipe. Thinking would some sort of dried fruit ruin this? I shall see! Cheers to not needing validation. I just posted a bunch of of vacay pics and now I need to get off the validation drug bc of all my likes and comments. 🙄 Also excited for the idea of brown butter banana bread holy yum! And the sewing bee! Maybe it will be on US tv at some point.

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Hey Anna, Omg chuck some dried fruit in there by all means - you make the rules and then once you have tried it, let me know what it's like - maybe sultans/currants would work? I need to get that banana bread written up - I'm so scatty, sorry! I do hope you can access sewing bee at some point! Take care! xx

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Hi Steph - such a lovely post, I'm so happy you are doing this! What brings me comfort are your 'Morning Coffee Thoughts', truly!! .. and when you snap a pic of your coffee for the day, yes please! I'm not sure what it is but those quotes help me take a huge breath and relax before the day - I'm in the US so they are ready for me when I get up :)

Other things that bring me comfort:

-A gloomy day , eh don't judge haha something about cozying in for the day and no pressure to 'get out'


-Reading outside, which inevitably leads to just staring at the trees in my backyard lol

-Cleaning the bathroom , mostly when it's done I feel super calm

Don't reign it in, keep it coming ! Thank you for all you do <3

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Hey Kat, thanks so much for the message! Awh, so lovely to hear that the coffee thoughts help! And indeed a coffee picture - this mornings' was particularly pleasing - my foamy oat milk was ON POINT.

I LOVE your comforts - I like colouring too - usually in a doodle-y way... I colour in circles when I'm trying to concentrate in a meeting! hah! Also can totally relate to the cleaning ZEN - how good does it feel after too? Haha - you know what, I hate rubbish weather but my mum and I always say that winter - the darkness and cold - at least give you an excuse to not do anything!? LOVE LOVE LOVE these comforts!

Sending big hugs! xx

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Yesss to doodling during meetings!! Haha I can't listen if I can't doodle, that's funny. Thanks so much for such a fun response, coffee cheers to you friend and big hugs in return <3

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I’ve recently taken up clothes making while recovering from an operation. My late mum taught me as a child, but I’ve never really made anything. I’ve taken up trousers & curtains, but that’s about all!

I’ve made six items now & the bug has bitten! I found the sewing bee official techniques book really helpful and Merchant & Mills have great books too. Just find a pattern that you absolutely love & go for it, it’s a learning process and enjoy the ‘journey’.

Also, we all struggle with anxiety in this house & I’ve found that trying to do activities that stimulate vagus nerve tone really helpful, like sea swimming, but also we’ve invested in a little device you wear round your neck and vibrates while you relax too. It’s called Sensate. It’s really helpful for my son in particular. I struggle to get into routines of self care to comfort myself, or balance the things that bring me joy with the necessities of life so can’t offer much else.

I would like to say that I love your photography and content on instagram and you really don’t need the self deprecating comments, I get why but everything you write is honest and beautiful and we’re all hear for it. Be you and don’t apologise. If anyone finds it boring then they’re missing out then you don’t need their patronage.

Looking forward to the next instalment. ❤️

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Hi Steph! I saw some comments and wanted to say I also find your morning mug post very comforting. I like the rhythm of your stories, and I noticed when you stopped posting meals for a bit, but you kept your 3 quotes and as I’m on Eastern Standard Time it usually was a sign for me that the Brits are waking up and I need to go to sleep bc it’s after 3am, hehe. I had to stop working just under 2 years ago and sleep became an even bigger struggle for me, so I latched on to Instagram pretty hard - which I’m sure you know has positives and negatives! One day I hope to find a bee mug like the one you post, it’s my favorite! Food comfort for me is a bit different bc I have both sensory issues and health issues that make me kinda hate the whole concept (I like GBBO for many reasons but one is most ingredients don’t stress me like American cooking shows, unless it’s pie week lol!) but potatoes have never done me wrong and I literally get emotional joy from them. My husband today roasted me some bc I was feeling sad about not having had a hug in many days (we’re isolating as best we can until he’s recovered) and boy they were delicious and turned my mood around. I often say I don’t get hangry, I get “sangry” aka sad when hungry. Nonfood comfort recently has been my new weighted blanket. I had a regular 15 lb adult one but it caused a lot of problems with my weak joints, so my sister gifted me one that comes in child size 8 lbs and it’s knit and it’s the first time I can pick it up myself or pull it all the way up to my arms without feeling trapped and I love it so much! My dog Luna is using a corner of it right now to calm her anxiety about the neighborhood dogs barking 🤭

Ahhh, this reply is so long and I’m tempted to delete it all - which I’m sure you understand - but I’m so glad you’ve started a little sub stack corner and I’m even more excited that it’s about comfort, I think it’ll help me focus on noticing my own day to day. I look forward to notifications, on whatever schedule works for you! We’ll be here 💖

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So glad you didn't delete this - wonderful reply and so great to hear some of your comforts!

I love that my Coffee thoughts are a sign that you need to go to sleep - although maybe I should start getting up a little earlier to encourage you to go to sleep sooner! haha!

My bee mug was from Oliver Bonas - see if you can get one - it's fab - of course!

Love your potato comforting husband - what a guy, I need one of them in my life!

Haha - I think I get both: sangry and hangry... and irritable, you know when everything annoys you? I'm not sure we can make that into a word?

I need a Luna... and a weighted blanket my the sounds of it!

Thank you so much foe the support, look after yourself and have a great week! xx

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I get the need for validation when you post something to social media. Higher # of likes = More I feel loved. So stupid, yet it's the same emotion every time I open the app.

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THIS IS IT ISN'T it? also - I seem to be dropping followers quite readily at the moment, which obviously in reality is absolutely fine and they maybe have ended up following me for the wrong reasons, but you can't help but let it get into your head and make you feel like you have done something wrong? Ironically, I lose more followers when I post a picture of myself... how blooming TOXIC is that? Thank god I can detach a bit from this sort of thing but imagine younger more vulnerable individuals? Much as I love social media for so many reasons, this side of it is really scary I think! xx

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Oh man. You have a ton of followers so if you lose some, you still have a bunch left. Those people who don't have many and then lose followers have to feel terrible. I love your posts and stories; please keep it up. There was a time when you stopped posting your breakfasts and I was bummed.

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Hi Steph,

My what a wonderful thing you started here. Dovetailing on the last comment below, subscribing is the best thing I've done in years, certainly the most comforting, since maybe discovering gbbo and your instagram. I really appreciate hearing from you, your posts and writing and your recipes, thoughts and such, however long or short. You've created a way for people to reach out to others, find support and give support, and be present in themselves. For me, you have been a great help already by just being present. So I hope that doesn't make you feel pressured to say or do anything in particular, except just to be you. And take breaks to take care of yourself. I am praying for you and your health.

I didn't know there was a sewing competition, I will have to look for this on Netflix as I'm in California. Years ago I toyed with the idea of taking up sewing, even scoured online for a sewing machine. My friend, who owns a great little sewing machine and creates beautiful quilts for friends and family, helped me sew my first pillow which I use every day. My colleague turned into a "boss" sewing masks, bags, and dresses. I will ask them about sewing machines, fabric stores, and report back.

You reminded me of my own college days when I had the worst time sleeping as well. I had such a hard time I could simply pull all-nighters ostensibly to study but really because I was frustrated from getting up so often and always feeling so tired in the morning anyway. I'm sorry I never found a solution! After college I naturally stopped drinking so much coffee and my sleep schedule normalized so that over time I would simply konk out at the same time and I stopped caring. Now I am a perennial light sleeper - the smallest noise, even silence, will wake me - still not great, but surviving.

I will have to try out the awesome snacks you shared with us, they're simply gorgeous to look at. Thanks so much for this wonderful forum and all your lovely thoughts!

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OMG you have made me want to cry - I would love SO much for this to be somewhere that people feel they can share their comforts... and maybe their woes... and everything in between. I'm nervous that I won't live up to peoples' expectations still but I'll keep being me... even to the point where if I have a rubbish week and not much happens, you know about it! But thank you so much for the support.

Yes yes - try to find sewing bee I really hope you can - I'm so jealous of people that can so easily do it, I know everything takes time and practice.... BUT I'M impatient and want results NOW please! hah!

I think to a certain extent we have to just become at peace a bit with the fact that sleep sometimes isn't 'there'... the more you fight it, the more your brain wakes up I find. Have you ever seen the Disney/Pixar film Inside Out? It's all about the emotions in a young girls head... anyway, there is a bit where she experiences that thing when you can't get a song out of your head? The relate this to moments when I can't get to sleep at night - you know when things just keep going round and round? ANYWAY... moral of the story - don't stress... and watch Bake off or Sewing Bee! haha!

Take care and have a wonderful week - hope you enjoy the snacks. xx

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Hi Steph,

No need to worry about meeting expectations. You are too precious and valuable, the Lord knows. And your thoughts and posts are so positively impactful, hard to fathom just how impactful right away. I'm so thankful you created this community. Feeling blessed to be a part of it.

Thanks to you I've discovered the Great British Sewing Bee, my new comforting obsession! It's enthralling, can't thank you enough.

I ❤️ Inside Out. I remember finding it so on point and making me sad, but also really enjoying it. But my memory of movies is terrible so I don't remember the details. That was a blockbuster by Pixar, and still pretty hazy in my memory. I hope every day you appreciate yourself more and more, and not discount your courage and talents and value. You far exceed Pixar- and will remain in my memory longer than you know.

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Thanks for the note:) Mint tea always comforts me, snuggle breaks with my cat, and an anxiety exercise (5,4,3,2,1) always helps to ground me. I love watching Bake Off but some times it’s stressful even though I was never in the tent. Good point about external validation. I needed to be reminded. Sending love from me and my cat.

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Hey Jess, ok MINT TEA IS THE DREAM... peppermint? Which brand do we like? this needs discussing!

Yes - i know what you mean, I can't watch sport at night either - it gets me too wired! haha!

Awhhh sending love to you and your cat! hope you have a fab week xx

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Okay, so for mint tea (peppermint) I usually buy Twinnings or Stash…sometimes Celestial Seasonings. It really helps with my anxiety. If my anxiety is too bad for afternoon coffee I usually drink mint tea.

Sports at night indeed get me riled up too:)

I’m at the end of my semester (PhD Candidate) so it is, indeed, a fab week! xx

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This has been a great find. I have enjoyed your posts and recipes on Instagram. I am American, so converting from metric is an adventure in mathematics, of which I do poorly! I also use GBBO reruns to fall asleep. I also like to find the British show Victoria that aired before the lockdowns. I love the romance between Albert and Victoria, and the music on the show is calming.

Sorry for the ramble. Do you still run? I run and ride bicycle to get my energy out. Thanks for the sunny and thoughtful gems you post. I enjoyed reading the newsletter today. You write very well and from your heart.

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Ahhh thank youuuuuu!

Oh golly - it's hard work doing the conversions isn't it... and in fairness, if cups work for you - stick with it, but I just find that if you have scales - the numbers are more accurate and just generally easier to get my head around - I guess it's what we are bought up on.

Oh yes - Victoria was meant to be great, in all honestly, i'm not great at watching TV, I get very easily distracted, I guess the tension and intrigue of sewing bee and bake off are what concentrate me a bit... but I know Victoria and Bridgerton too? They both have had RAVE reviews!

I do still run - god I wish i could more - this is the goal - I used to do it competitively as a junior but injury and illness really curtailed that - i still really live for being 'the athlete' anyway, I hope to plaster my body back together a bit so that I can run again - it's my favourite... with baking & cooking! haha

Thank you so much! xx

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So pleased to have the salad recipe! Thank you. I love how you channel what you are finding helpful with your MH - as mum of one daughter managing bipolar and one with anxiety I so admire your honesty - you are so relatable and you are helping. 💕

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Oh Charlotte - sending you the biggest hugs! You're incredible! Hope you like the salad! xx

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Steph, your wise words are the most comforting thing imaginable and you are the most wise and helpful role model for me, thank you ❤️

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Sending massive hugs & love Minnie! xx

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Hi Steph! Writing in from Atlanta, Georgia, USA (thought you might get a kick out of knowing where your subscribers hail from). Reading is always my go to zen activity. I do love to bake, but am battling some unexplained fatigue issues that prevent me from being overly active. I have to manage my time daily as not to over do it. I once enjoyed cross-stitching as a calming hobby. I’ve been tempted to pick it up again. Maybe soon. Hope you have a good week ahead. Thanks for starting The Comfort Chronicles! I’ll be following along.

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Firstly HELLO - gosh, it astonishes me that we can chat to each other at opposite ends of the world - possibly not opposite but you know?! So grateful for your support!

I'm jealous that you enjoy reading - I'm so bad at it, and yet I LOVE & buy so many books, I just find myself with such a butterfly brain that I struggle to concentrate and then get annoyed because I haven't got a clue what is going on in the book.

I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling with fatigue, but it sounds like you're doing the right thing, looking after your body and taking the rest you need at the moment! Sending you get well wishes! Take care and have a great week xx

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May 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022

Hi Stephi- You are doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to get your book and try some of these recipes. Food is a great comfort and cooking for loved ones and feeding those around you well is very rewarding. Especially when it is appreciated. As for sewing- handicrafts like embroidery, knitting and sewing are wonderful calming activities, I find. I follow Bernadette Banner on youtube and she just published a book Make, Sew and Mend which covers the basics and she in amazing!

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Hey Laura,

Oh bless you, thank you so much for the support. I agree - I love being in the kitchen and getting my bake on (or cook on). You're right, it must be something about the creativity and slightly technical side of these activities that is so rewarding? I must admit, I'm a bit useless at getting things wrong (I HATE making mistakes or things turning out rubbish! haha) - i will check out Bernadette Banner - she sounds like a QUEEN! Thank you so much! xx

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I love this Steph! A really calming, yet useful read. I'm off to make the salad for my lunches for the next few days x

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Awh thank you - I'm all about a proper salad - not just 'leaves' but full of all the goodness - I find there is endless possibilities! Hope you have a great week! xx

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