
Enjoy the race! We'll be watching from the USA. I love The Comfort Chronicles. You infuse your personality together with the recipes in such an effortless and enjoyable way. We will not be camping, but we will put togther a picnic from The Comfort Chronicles...set up in the family room...and watch The British Grand Prix...right here in Ohio, USA. Thank you, Steph!

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Hey Darnell, did you enjoy the race? Are you watching again this weekend? x

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Hi Stephi!! Are you kidding? Those last 10 laps were possibly the best ever! I can't even imagine how much fun you guys had! And yes, I've been watching this weekend as well...plus...PLUS...leaving this afternoon for Paris. Seeing Adam Lambert & Queen Wednesday and found an article - The 42 Best Patisseries in Paris - oh my! I should be much heavier when I return. Thank you for the note!! Enjoy the race and have a great week.....

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Hi Steph! I just made my first attempt at your Bap recipe, and it was a great success! Thank you for the thoughtful recipe and instructions, you are truly a baking inspiration to me. I really resonate with you in the comfort of baking and am finding more joy from it by following your recipes. Thank you for these. God Bless you

- Em

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Hi Steph,

You're always going above and beyond! Thank you for your wonderful newsletter - mutual addiction! Love your account about your Granddad and Grandma, I LOVE plain bread too, always have. Talk about comfort. The baps sound amazing, how nice you add runny honey and butter to it! I've never tried that before. Genius. And S'Cones are a fairly recent, mind-blowing discovery for me, but I'm definitely going to use your recipes, particularly the Wimbledon-worthy one with the buttermilk and soured cream. They both sound amazing, and they just look killer. Thanks for your camping food essentials, they sound like the ideal sort of thing to have next to me daily as I work. Could become a bad habit, or a good one.

Thanks for the intro to Deborah James... what an inspirational woman she was indeed.

Thanks again for this joyfully early newsletter, and have the BEST time camping Steph!!

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Hey Hazel, thanks again for the message, apologies for the delay - hope you are well and have had a good week? xx

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Hey Steph, no apologies needed! You're so thoughtful, I had a great week, starting with July 4, which is a federal holiday. State workers get a day off, and tho that never means I don't have to work, this time I literally had NO emails. Unheard of. The rest of my week was so pleasant b/c I spent most of it with my dad and I felt like I was being carried through and work just did itself (that's how I often picture God's mercy). Next week's looking cluttered and my blood pressure's already rising in anticipation. All I want is my autonomic nervous system to shut down and to be wheeled around on a wagon. We'll see how it goes, armed with my new arsenal of Taralli (adult teething rings) thanks to you.

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I’m addicted too! I love seeing this newsletter in my inbox! No worries on the amount of packing — camping cancels it ALL out like you’re basically bringing your bed and your roof and walls plus food etc ! 😆 enjoy your trip and yum I can’t wait to try to energy balls and the granola 😋

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HAHAHHA- yes!!! And how hilarious that you end up wearing one outfit for the duration and using one utensil, etc etc... the most useful thing I took was a hot water bottle I think! Let me know if you give the energy balls and granola a try? xx

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I hope you have a great time on your trip! I’ll have to try those energy balls. I just got back from a trip to Iceland which was lovely but I got covid so stay safe out there! xx

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Hey Jess - oh WOW a trip to Iceland sounds amazing! What did you get up to!? so sorry to hear you caught COVID, hope you are on the mend and haven't suffered too much with it! Did you try the energy balls? xx

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Iceland was great! I was there presenting at a theatre conference but I still made time to take a tour and see a waterfall and a geyser. I’m all better as far as Covid is concerned. Thanks for the well wishes. Haven’t made the energy balls yet but I told my mom about them so maybe we’ll make them today! We’ll see. Sending love and hugs. xx

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There is never an occasion when a scone isn’t a goer 😁

I hope you have a fab camping trip - my work friend Laura went to Glastonbury and loved it so much but did message to say she was looking forward to her own toilet and you shouldn’t look down lol. Look forward to hearing how it goes x

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Thank you so much - we had a wonderful weekend, I do HATE the toilet situation, although I think it's not too bad in the scheme of things - I swear there should be a way of making it less gross though!? haha! xx

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Have a great time! I was so happy to see the newsletter and I will be making the energy balls this weekend. Thanks for the recipe, Steph!

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Hey Mary sorry for the delay, did you make the energy balls? xx

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Yes, they were delicious! I had some toasted sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds on hand so I added those to the recipe (you are so right about always toasting nuts and seeds-game changer). Thanks Steph. xo

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