I’m glad you found some sparkle! I’m an oatmeal fan myself and have it daily so maybe I’ll spruce up my routine and try it your way. I’m glad you had a nice talk with a friend to turn things around. Laughing at yourself really is a miracle sometimes. I’ll write the name of the book down. Sounds amazing. xo

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This is the first newsletter I have seen, it is certainly the only one I have not been able to put down, sounds like a rough start to the week. But you found positives and have turned it around. I absolutely love your recipies, healthy, tasty and home made. Go you. You're an inspiration to an awful lot of people, me included. Thanks Steph and look forward to the next letter. Enjoy the F1 🙂

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Hi Steph,

It's such a joy to hear you had a good week, even though it may have started off rough. What a way to keep your head up and keep going! So happy that you even got to go out and have fun with friends at a birthday party! Hope the sun keeps shining inside and out, with some extra this weekend on your trip so you can thoroughly enjoy. And the next time the clouds gather up again, as they inevitably do, I hope it's easier to remember, as you said it so well, be patient with those unfathomable emotions... they'll change and go away eventually just like bad weather.

Echoing Julie, I hope you don't feel pressure to create or do something extraordinary (recipe-wise or otherwise), or produce your beautiful newsletter in lieu of taking some well-deserved, much-needed time off / vacation / exciting and restful trip with your lovely mum. If you enjoy something or think it's good, that's what makes it worthwhile, and so thoughtful and kind of you to share. All your wonderful recipes and posts are so edifying and enjoyable to read, a huge lift to me, so quite extraordinary IMO! I'm so excited for you this coming weekend, hope you have the BEST time and we can all catch up later!!

I didn't know you soaked oats over night! Well that's a revelation to me - see...no need to think up something new and extraordinary, this more than suffices ;)

Thanks so much for the porridge revelations. No wonder yours look so good! And the raspberry Eton mess recipe! I, too, can't stop myself from buying berries whenever I go to the store - over here, it's blueberries and blackberries all the way.

Thanks for all the week's comforts! Happy baking, reading, and coming alive every day!

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Thank you so much for your lovely message Hazel - your support means so much! Just a quick note from me, but I wanted to make sure I replied - also I love that you too are a berry hoarder!!! It's a must right? Hope you've had a good Monday! Take care and lots of love! xx

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Hiii - my brain works similar to yours :) what is it about appointments that makes them feel like a big black hole of unknown? I'm so proud of you for going out to the party! Being social can be so unnerving even though we know we will probably have a good time, it's the getting there that is the hard part. You did the hard part and came out of the other side, cheers to that !

Have SO MUCH FUN at Silverstone!!! Can't wait to hear all about it, have a great week friend!

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YEs exactly - the unknown is not my friend - I wish I was someone who could compartmentalise and not live with the dread! haha! Yes, exactly and actually I don't always have a 'great time' which is what makes me more anxious to go again but Saturday was a happy surprise and I guess when you go with low expectations, the chance of disappointment is less? haha!

Awh thank you - I can't wait! Take care and loads of love! xx

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That's so true , I don't always have a 'great time' either, especially when I come home and remember every single little thing I said and play that over and over in my brain. Is there a light switch for that, can I switch it off somehow?? lol

Hahaha yes set the bar low is the perfect way to do it. I consider it a win if I can stay 'out' for an hour.

Love and good energy your way Steph, you're the best! Kat

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I love reading your stuff and knowing someone else's mind works the way mine does. When you usually work one day and then your schedule changes and feels like you're doing something wrong. It always makes me feel anxious. But then you had ended up having a great week with a fun weekend up ahead! The week is so much easier when you have something to look forward to.

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Hey Brent - ahhh bless you - I know right... I'm just so terrible with 'change' - I have been known to get SO worked up when things are altered even in a way that doesn't directly impact me, basically if it's not what I expect to be happening, I'm like WHAT WHYYYY? and i know it's silly! Sending hugs! xx

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Please don't feel that you have to produce lovely recipes for us every week. It's wonderful to receive your newsletters when you feel you can send them, with or without recipes ❤️

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Awh thank you so much, that means a lot! xx

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Sounds like you’ve had an upbeat week - loving the recipes and I will defo try the almonds! Funny how things when you overthink can just snowball. We have a difficult week ahead (our dog is not well so vet stuff to face down, I have really struggled. Will try and keep things simple and hang on to the good moments this week.

Also loved the post on getting dressed up and wearing heels!! Glad it was a fab night x

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Hey Charlotte - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, will keep everything crossed that he/she is ok! Sending you loads of love and hugs too! xx

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