You never have to explain a mental health break. We all need them. I know you wrote you aren't looking for pity, but I hope you realize how much you have going for you and you find a path that gets you out of your funk. It's one thing to say you know you don't have it as bad as others and another to feel it. I've been there. Strangers on the internet wouldn't waste our time writing comments if you weren't loved. Sending you hugs and much love.

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Dear Sweet Stephi, you are 100%, without a doubt, doing what’s best for you! I admire your bravery in sharing your personal challenge. Push that pause button darling, keep yourself as the Top Priority. Your posts, as wonderful, creative and inspiring as they are, are NOT as important as YOU. Sending big tight virtual hugs and much love for the journey ahead❣️

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Good for you! Take your break and do what is needed. All of us on this side of the newsletter both understand and applaud you.

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Thanks, as ever, for sharing, not just your recipes but yourself. Your openness about how you are feeling has helped a lot of people. I’m sure every single member of this wonderful community you have created wishes you well. Take care petal xx

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Dear Stephi, thank you for your honesty and sharing how you’re feeling with this us. Constantly living in the state you describe is horrendous and I’m glad you are seeking professional support. Opening up about your mental health problems is very healthy and will help others who suffer in silence. Also, mental health is all inclusive - it can affect anyone and everyone, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor or how many privileges you may have in your life. You are feeling what you are feeling and that’s all that matters, don’t feel that you ‘shouldn’t’ feel like this. Look after yourself and I hope some professional help as well as the support of those around you and the community gets you through this tough time in life. Put yourself and your health first and come back to writing when you feel ready. Take care Sara x

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Hope you get the help you need and you start feeling much happier, it's a continuous journey and taking time to concentrate on yourself each day is a great start. Remember Steph, you're a Rockstar too. Thanks for all the great recipes, honesty and many laughs, take care... Shaun x

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I'm finally catching up on my email.

Dear Stephi, you never ever have to apologize to any of us, nor do I think you are looking for sympathy. The truth is you need a mental health break. Probably many of us do to, but would never admit it. You are brave to put it out there. I admire you so much for stepping out when you don't feel like it. You look after YOU. There is no one in the world more important than yourself. You take all the time you need.

I have thought about you so much in the last month. I'm heading to England in September, my first overseas trip in 43 years and I'm terrified, but your stories on Instagram and your emails have given me the courage to step out. I'm terrified and I'm going with two cousins and not my husband.

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Dearest Steph,

You are the most important, we care about you. You deserve a break and we'll be here whenever you feel you want to come back or talk. Always always cheering you on. You deserve a fulfilling job with tons of blessings and happiness. Definitely take all the time you need. You're truly amazing, so talented, and very loved. Praying for you.

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The courage you hold is greater than you will ever know Steph. Thank you for being so open and brave and allowing yourself to be vulnerable with us in this space. I can sadly relate a huge amount to all that you have shared, and I am truly sorry that you are having to navigate this turbulent time.

Please know that none of us here will ever hold anything against you for taking all the time and space that you need for YOU (and if anyone ever does then they are not worth having in your life).

I for one am proud of you for reaching out and acknowledging that things have not been going so smoothly; this takes a lot of strength and I understand how messy/complicated/overwhelming it can all be but it IS a step and that is okay. I hope that this week offers you some more chances to stop. to breathe. and to be wherever you need to be right now. (as well as bake of course). Go gently and never ever underestimate yourself; you have climbed mountains to be where you are today - this storm may feel all encompassing at the moment but it can and it will pass. I hold will hold some of the hope for you if you cant hold it all yourself right now x

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Best wishes Steph! Sometimes one leads and sometimes one follows. You have led your blog and inspired many. And you will continue to inspire. Take respite in following too. Scott

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Hey there. Just wanted to say hi and how much I relate to what you wrote about how you’ve been feeling. When everything just seems so hard, there’s no shame in doing whatever you need to do to be a little easier on yourself, reduce your stresses however you can. We’ll be here. Hugs.

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Steph, absolutely take a break, get the help you need and do your best to stop feeling guilty about not being on top of the world - yes there are people out there struggling with horrendous challenges in life, but mental and emotional health doesn’t automatically follow just because your life is somehow more ‘comfortable’ in a conventional sense. However long it takes it’s fine, committing to creating to a schedule on social media produces its own pressures and I don’t know how people come up with the ideas and do it. Oh, and about the ‘waffle’, well I love it! Never cut the waffle! I really enjoy your random ramblings about your week, to me that’s all part of who you are and what’s caught your eye that week. It’s authentic. Anyway I’ll stop waffling and wish you all the best, take care of yourself and come back only when you’re good and ready. I’m not going anywhere. 😊

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Stephi, thanks so much for your candor - looking forward to hearing from you when you feel the time is right. Sending you love from the US!

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Always enjoy reading your writings good and the bad. All I can do is offer a very large hug from here! Good luck Steph!

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You are a star, your newsletter hints and tips and advice touches us all. It is with excitement I look forward each and every week to your article, you have me eating foods and drinking drinks I would never have tried. So you have added/touched my life and for that I am grateful. Please Stephi, if there is ever anything you'd like to talk about. This is a caring friendship that we have within the letter . Take are and if we can ever help we are here.

Hugs 🌹❤️ Steve

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

Steph, you are the priority. Take all the time you need. The best life is on the other side of mental health recovery. I know, I've been there. xo

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