
Hey friends - I'm freaking out... I don't know how best to notify everyone of this, so I'm writing a little message here, I hope you all see it!!! I made a typo in the flatbread recipe that I sent out in the initial email - it read 1 tbsp baking powder - it should have been 1 TEASPOON of baking powder, I have amended the web version so that it is now correct! I'm so so so sorry! xxx

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Some authors have re-sent out the email newsletter if there’s a found typo, with the corrected recipe, if you want to make sure everyone sees it!

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Hey Steph - you always have such a great way to connect. I loved your jogging story. Perhaps you did not intend for it to be perfect material for effective stand-up comedy, but it was genuine and I found it funny, particularly since I could relate and I try to laugh at myself. Take care, and thanks for allowing me to start my Sunday with your blog. Scott

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Hey Scott, thanks so much for your kindness and support - I know that sounds like such a wishy washy reply but honestly your message means so much.

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Love, love, love your writings & the sharing of your thoughts, ideas & meanderings (both physically & mentally).

As an Australian I have eaten many MANY Anzac biccies (biscuits) over the years & baked a gazillion of them. They are very prevalent and not an Anzac Day passes without some wherever you go. Our Minister for Defence even sends out an old reportedly original recipe from WW1 on a card with his thoughts around this memorial each year.

My main man LOVES them so I often bake them for him. I’m a coeliac and given that oats in Australia are not gluten free, it’s a hard no for me. BUT we have recently had some appear on our shelves so if I can sort out a good flour option that works then I will be able to enjoy them too!

My son is in the military & I miss him so there is this thought that when I’m baking them I am also connected to him. Random thought but nevertheless true.

Anyways enough of my oversharing and prattling on about the magnificent Anzac Biscuit!

Please note my crazy thoughts are scattered in here too. This is to hint that I too have many random, scattered & continuous thoughts too.

Hugs, Tiffany 🧡

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Hey Tiffany, ahhhhh this is the BEST story, I love to hear about the history behind the Anzac - so interesting and don't you love how much emotion can be locked up in biscuit (or meal)? So lovely. I'm so sorry you miss your son, but love that baking these biscuits helps you feel a little more connected to him! I love your random, scattered and continuous thoughts - keep them coming! Hugs back!! x

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Hi Steph,

Everything you write is such a joy, pure joy to read. I hope you get some comfort in your day since you impart so much to others in your writing. Thank you for not deleting anything. Your newsletter is my favorite thing to read about food and recipes, and of course your week!

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Awh thank you so so so much Hazel, your kindness means so very much! x

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Thank you dear! Your spirit shines through every email.

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Thank YOU Cindy! You're a gem!

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I used to subscribe on IG to an account called AnxiousMoms, who talks about her journey of diagnosis with anxiety disorder and a bunch of helpful signs of (high functioning) anxiety and memes and etc. she talks a lot about the overthinking as a sign of anxiety. I think for those of us who are “anxious types” and weave in and out of that realm, our (over)thinking is definitely both a blessing and a curse, as you say!! I too have an internal monologue, which I think most people do?! but I also recently learned that some people do not. And related js if you hear a voice in your head when you’re reading something (I do sometimes but sometimes I just create images in my head as I’m reading and am not aware of the actual words anymore, and then I don’t remember the words, just the mental image from the book, does that make sense??) I do tend to shift to talking to myself out loud sometimes when I think I’m by myself haha, which then gets awkward when I forget there’s someone nearby and they think I’m talking to them! But do address one of your trains of thoughts, NO JUDGMENT here, totally support you and whatever you feel comfortable sharing with us! It’s very fun for me to read your thoughts on various subjects, it’s almost like having a conversation with a friend (although unfortunately I cannot respond in real time), and it’s just very soothing to read. And I’m also food (mostly baking) obsessed so I love to read about your rabbit holes! So just carry on, be yourself, because that’s what we are here for! 😂 no apologies needed, Steph! Just write to your heart’s content.

Last thing - regarding your concern about using up jars of things once opened. So most canned things can last a good while once opened, if stored in the fridge. I like the website “eat by date” as they have helpful guides about how long you can push things beyond what the “best by” date or after it’s open how long is a reasonable real-world estimate for how long it’s good for. All that to say that I’ve had a lot of dairy and condiment things last longer than the label says or conventional guidelines (weeks!), so I think you can probably not stress too much about eating it all up within a few days from opening. Remember that companies would probably want you to throw away stuff out of fear so you’ll buy a new jar, so they deliberately make the perceived shelf life shorter than is necessary. With dairy I get a clean spoon and take a bit and give it a taste plain and see how tangy it is. If it’s very tangy but not off I know I need to use up quickly, but if it tastes normal I know I’m safe for awhile. Also I freeze a lot of my dairy (sour cream, buttermilk) that are intended for baking since texture doesn’t matter in that case. But yogurt is so forgiving since it’s fermented already, all it does is just get a bit tangier. I do tend to overbuy as well, sigh, so my freezer is stuffed with things that I will one day get to. Anyway enough rambling for me! Hope you have a lovely week ahead and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us this week!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE your commitment to replying... also you're a fountain of knowledge which I bloomin love! Everything you have written about internal dialogue above is so relatable and I really struggle to read certain things - particularly those with 'big words' (by that I mean words I don't understand) or things that are especially advanced on a topic - I quickly lose track of what the topic is because I find myself focussing so much on what each word means.... or slightly different to you, my mind wanders and I'm suddenly like where am I? haha! I'm a VERY visual person though, tell me and I might look a bit vacant, show me and I'll do it right first time (ish) haha!

Excellent advice on using things up - I generally adopt a very causal approach to these things but I do feel the 'pressure' which makes me... uncomfortable - it's like I know there's stuff that needs using and that's a LOT TO HANDLE for my head!

Anyway, hope you are having a good week! x

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Thanks, Steph, I always get nervous after leaving a long comment that it’s boring or I just come across as trying to give too much unsolicited or patronizing advice 🙈 thanks for responding so enthusiastically always! I’m going on a trip this week with my family, so VERY good week ahead 😎

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Well, this was a delight to read and I especially love the extra bits at the end, especially, especially reading the annoying bits. Sometimes things are just annoying and everyone should know.

Ahh! My brain never stops either, even when I am asleep, and that is sometimes on the annoying list. I cannot imagine it being quiet. My mother always gets fed up with my observations and looking into things and says I'm arguing, when I'm just OBSERVING and discussing. Whatever, Mom.

I hope you have a lovely week!!

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Thanks so much lovely! And I love to hear that your brain never stops either - it's like there is no off switch... and I genuinely wonder what it must be like to have no chatter kicking off up there?!! YES YES YES, same re. observation not argument... and I have to question everything, because I can never be sure that I am interpreting what is being said or written or whatever, correctly? Gotta love Mums eh? haha!

Hope you are having a good week too! xx

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You're welcome!! Exactly. I can't imagine no chatter in my mind. I guess maybe peaceful? And yes! I love noticing things and making connections. Moms are the best, even then. Thank you!! You too!

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On Steph - this is your best mailing yet! It was worth the read for your description of your thinking run alone - beautifully written and resonated so well (although for me it is walking rather than running!)

Thanks for the receipt for the ANZAC biscuits in the subscriber version. First came across these last year at Kookaburra (have you tried them?). They recommended mixing them with cheese. They’re perfect with a nice Brie. Never found a recipe for them though so will now be trying to make my own.

Keep writing - I don’t half look forward to Sunday mornings and reading these 😀

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Ahhh Martin, you're fab! thank you so much! I haven't tried Kookaburra's version but I bet they are fantastic and I AM LITERALLY RUNNING TO BUY BRIE now... will definitely be trying this combo - sounds like an excellent marriage of sweet and savoury!

Thanks so much for the support - sometimes I really worry that I'm just chatting rubbish that no-one wants to read and that I'm just terribly self indulgent etc!!! Anyway, your encouragement really makes it feel worthwhile - thank you! x

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