Thanks for the beautiful thoughts. I like the cloud contrail ones in particular. I have a daughter who struggles and your perspectives and stated emotions are so real. Helps me as I struggle with her struggles. Hope you have a nice week. Wisteria is about the most wonderful smell out there. Scott

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Hey Scott, give my love to your daughter, and look after yourself too - I know how much of a challenge it can be to see someone you love struggle! Sending hugs to you both! xx

p.s. You're right - although I may argue that freshly baked bread and ground coffee are up there on the 'most wonderful smell' list! haha!

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Loved your newsletter as always. It always speaks to me and my feelings. Do you ever have those moments where you're feeling fine and then all of sudden you feel bad for no reason? Like a combination of guilt and upcoming doom that comes from nowhere? Like you were wrong for being content? I've had a lot of those moments lately even though my life is fine.

Anyway, hoping to try your cake. Is there a replacement for semolina? I can't find it anywhere here in my area of the US. Send you good vibes for this week (or the remainder of it)

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Thanks for the birthday wish. Me and my girlfriend went to Rottach-Egern. It’s on a lake and in the mountains. We had a lovely steak dinner and a wonderful time together. Sending love and hugs!

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I definitely relate to feeling shame around negative emotions and the horrible spin cycle that can be. I'm feeling better these days, but I still have days like that and I try to just let them be. Not something that's bad or something I have to find the silver lining too. Just an off day.

Thanks for all these recipes. You are building quite the library for us. 🥰

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I adore ricotta as well. In baked goods, dolloped on pizza, and just straight on bread. The cake looks divine!

I think it feels paradoxical but I think you can be both grateful for your blessings in life and still acknowledge that your mood can just still be down. Our brains are body organs just like our stomachs or uteruses, and can be in pain regardless whether we want it to be or not. I failed this week in meeting an obligation and it came down to a feeling of overwhelm and panic and guilt just before the time of the obligation and I backed. And I had the uncomfortable conversation afterwards and just had to admit that maybe I need to find some professional help to sort out my tangled mind. I was encouraged to give it a try, because while friends and family are happy to listen and support, it might be easier to not hold back when you know the listener’s sole purpose and job is to help. I don’t know if my anxiety and attention deficit is serious enough that I need medication but I’m open to whatever I can do to not get into these occasional spirals that are internally and externally destructive. Just wanted to share since you’re always so open about your journey. Taking care of yourself comes in many forms. In my version, I am admitting maybe I just can’t do it myself anymore. Let’s see what happens.

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YES YES YES to Ricotta - and it trumps cream cheese every time for me now!

Bless you - I'm sorry to hear you had a tough week. I'm in awe of your bravery to potentially seek some support beyond family and friends. It's funny, I find it incredibly difficult talking to professionals - I'm so much more relaxed, honest and open with friends and family - I think it is because I feel less judged and threatened when I chat to them. However, I know so many people who have benefited from receiving support - the ability to talk to someone who is impartial and who can potentially advise you on how to better understand you emotions and deal with challenges for the future can be invaluable. You must let me know how you get on if and when you do seek some support! xx

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Forgot to add: I love the Rich Roll quote. I have been listening to his podcast for some time and his book, Finding Ultra, is pre inspiration.

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Oooo i will have to try and listen to his podcast... although I have to admit, I am AWFUL at listening to podcasts - I just find it so difficult to concentrate when I don't have anything to watch and just have to listen! lol! MUST.TRY.HARDER!

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Hi Steph,

You're definitely not alone feeling a bit (or really) flat at times. Keep going, because that's so inspiring. You are so inspiring in everything you do.

I'm definitely one to pick the nuts and fruits off the top of cakes. Your olive oil cake looks divine. Same with the beautiful pasta and focaccia. Thanks for inspiring in me a desire to travel, I'm the most stubborn hermit.

All the best when you go to Oxfordshire, not to worry about writing - just enjoy yourself, praying the weather is beautiful for you.

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Hey Hazel, bless you - thank you!

As for being a nut/fruit thief, very relieved to hear you say that - do you do it with granola/muesli packets too? I'm SO bad - I literally fish through a back of muesli like I'm on a quest to find hidden treasure - which it is by the way! Why does it taste better than if you ate it out of a bag of dried fruit or nuts though? Also very relatable - this is a somewhat reluctant hermit mission for Mum and I... I mean, we desperately want to go in theory but in practice it all feels like a lot of hard work! WHAT ARE WE LIKE?

Thank you! take care and have a good week! xx

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No matter how you feel , just remember that we are here for you ,admiring your courage and openness! Give yourself a big hug and continue blessing us with your precious insights of your life. Looking forward to trying some of your recipes this week! Xxoo

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Oh Olga - what an angel you are - thank you SO much for your incredibly kind words - I cannot tell you how much it means to receive such a lovely message... especially given that I've had an annoyingly yucky couple of days! Sending you lots of love! xx

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Thank you for putting into words many of the same feelings that I experience, Stephi. It's hard to share mine with people I know; the feelings are hard to understand for people who don't experience them.

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Hey John, sending you loads of positivity and strength and just remember you're not alone! xx

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Yes! I have been wanting to make an olive oil cake, and you've given me a recipe for one with ricotta?!

Hope you enjoy your trip. Sending you a great big hug from across the pond.

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If you try the cake - let me know what you think - it's so simple and I reckon you could feasibly eat this as breakfast food - in fact, I think that is what the Italians do... so we should definitely do that too right?! haha! Sending hugs right back to you! xx

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Thanks so much for your candor in your updates. Wishing you a lovely trip to Oxfordshire. We will be happy to hear from you when you have time to update The Comfort Chronicles. And you've inspired me to start watching Stanley Tucci's series! <3

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Hey Cathy, awh thank you! and you must let me know what you think of the Tucci series! Hope you have had a good Monday! xx

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Hello, Steph! Sorry to hear you’ve had a not so great week. Sending love and hugs your way! I had a great weekend. My girlfriend took me away for two days for my birthday and now I’m back struggling to get back into my routine. hugs!

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Hey Jess,

So glad to hear you had such a lovely weekend - and HAPPY (Belated) BIRTHDAY! Where about did you go? Oh gosh I can very much relate - hopefully you'll find your groove again - routine wise - nice and quickly! Sending hugs back to you! xx

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