First time commenter here; sure enjoy the read. Hang in there girl, we all get down but finding the little nuggets every day is what makes life enjoyable. And the more you look the more you find! I gotta try your bun recipe!

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Thanks so much for the support Tige! Let me know if you try the bun recipe! Hope you are having a good week!

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As always, love your newsletter and will try your cookie recipe next weekend. Also looking forward to trying some more spring baking. This is going to be the year I finally find (or create) a quality lemon bar recipe!

Anyway, sending you internet hugs and wishing you the best this week.

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Hey Brent, thanks soooo much for the message and the hugs, right back at ya! .... also can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Cookies!

Ooooo lemon bar - so I don't think I have ever tried a lemon bar - is that bad?! Correct me if I'm wrong but it's shortbread with lemon curd on top, right? I think I need a go at it myself! Sounds like a perfect combo! hope you are having a good week! xx

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Thanks so much for your candor. I was feeling low this morning and felt much better knowing I was not alone, even though I'm in America. And I'm eager to try the CCC recipes!

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Hey Cathy,

Lovely to hear from you - I do hope you are feeling a little brighter! Let me know your thoughts if you try the CCC recipes! xx

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Steph, there can NEVER be too many CCC recipes, don’t feel bad!! I recently got into the yolk-only CCC by Buttermilk by Sam, they’re so dense and chewy but have a very defined crumb and just slightly crispy edges, so good. Have you tried a recipe with malt powder?? I’ve heard that being the secret ingredient in some bakeries’ and Internet popular CCC. I’ve been so intrigued that I bought a container of Ovaltine to try malt powder enhanced recipes (cookies or otherwise)...will probably start with your choco cake from last time! These look top notch too!! Bookmarking them to try 😋

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Firstly, I've not heard of this wizardry - yolk and buttermilk sounds like an interesting combo - I think I need to give them a go! As for malt powder, I haven't tried it in cookies but I have tried skimmed milk powder which, is meant to make the cookies more creamy? I guess malt powder would have a caramelising effect on top of this and obv contribute some 'malty' flavour? Sounds like a fabulous idea anyway!! Let me know if you give any of them a go! x

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Oh sorry, the ccc is for yolk only - Claire Ptak also has a yolk only ccc in her first book. The buttermilk is not in the cookie, just part of the name of the blog! https://buttermilkbysam.com/extra-rich-chocolate-chip-cookies/

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GOD I'm SO STUPID! I should have known that - yes I have seen Claires recipe! it sounds lovely - I'm yet to try it as I'm not ENTIRELY into the v.fudgy vibe! Also - another cookie curveball - I was randomly scrolling through someone's insta account the other day - they are training at École Ducasse - a culinary training school in France - they said that custard powder was the key to a perfect cookie? It apparently yields a tender, melt in the mouth cookie that prevents the sugar from crystallising thus preventing them from firming up once cooled? I'm not sure that it's what I want from a cookie (I like the crunch) but I'll take his word for it? and also it sounds like an excellent addition to something like shortbread where we want that tenderness? The cookie conundrum never ends eh?

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Nono, you’re NOT stupid, there’s so many ways to read things, I read things in an unintended interpretation all the time 😆. So I haven’t tried Claire’s recipe, but the one I use from Sam is not fudgy per se, more just straight up chewy and with a dense crumb. I don’t like ooey gooey in CCC either, my family an exception to the norm, we don’t like warm from the oven cookies. We like fully set and maybe even day old ripened cookies post baking. Ooh, I haven’t heard about using custard powder but that totally makes sense with the corn starch in it. In the US definitely people use cornstarch or instant pudding mix as a secret ingredient for that sort of plush or soft baked cookie texture. It’s just so fun to learn about diff techniques! Thanks for the discussion ❤️

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Thanks, Steph...the only CCC I like is thin and crispy and yours look perfect! Definitely making these. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. xo

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YES TO TEAM THIN AND CRISPY! I'm quite a fan of things with texture!!! Let me know if you give them a try! Hope you are having a good week too! xx

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Morning Steph.

Just thought I would update you on the kittens. Well, they arrived yesterday and are just the most adorable balls of fluff. I was a little anxious I can’t lie, but they are cosy in their new bed with a hot water bottle and have just stuffed their little faces at breakfast.

Anxiety is a funny thing isn’t it. I’m trying to just go with the flow. Anyway I just thought I’d let you know.

Keep smiling

Your penpal Lisa x

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Hey Penpal Lisa, how are you getting on? This Kitten chat is just what I need to hear - don't they just live the best life??? - god I wish I was a cat! What have you called them?

I think I have come to the conclusion that I'm just not a flow-y person... I'm such a ball of anxious generally - you know if you scribble on a piece of paper? That's me! Actually, i look like Mr Messy from the Mr Men!

You keep smiling too! sending love! xx

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Hey Steph,

I’ve called the kittens Sid and Gus. Simple and straight forward?

Ah no….. their full names are Obsidian and Asparagus 😂.

I didn’t tell the vet this when he asked their names yesterday when they went for their first vaccinations. I came away with some special shampoo and have to bath them twice a week for the next 3 weeks.🙈 We tried last night and it was hilarious. Sid hated it and meowed a lot and Gus thought it was fascinating. They looked soooo fluffy once they were all dried.

I’m with you on the Mr Messy reference, although writing lists helps me order my thoughts.

It’s sunny here and that helps too.

I’ll keep you posted with more kitten news next week.

Keep smiling and love to Olive too.

Lisa x

(P.s if I knew how to add photos I’d put one on for you to see 🙄.)

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OMG LISA - the names are SO COOL!! That sounds like Olive - she hates a bath and looks like a giant Pom Pom once she's dry!!!

Yes - a list is so good isn't it? highlighter/strikethrough/tick when you have completed a task?

The sun hasn't been out so much here but it's been a brighter afternoon and I had pasta for dinner which is always a good thing!

Oh haha - you sound like me, I have NO idea what I am doing on here - literally winging it - I would love to see some photos though so if you work it out... SHOW ME!!!

Speak soon xxx

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Genius cat names! I love them. There’s no way to add photos in the comment section here unfortunately, but you can add photos in chat and notes functions in Substack.

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Hi Steph, thank you for another comforting newsletter to wake up to on a Sunday! I made this recipe this week with my first April bunch of Asparagus, and would highly recommend it:


Hope you have a fabulous week x


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CHARLOTTE, you legend, thank you - I will defo pop this on my list - I've fallen in LOVE with rifts on carbonara recently - with asparagus thrown in for a bit of *spring* and I can't get enough of it! Hope you are having a good week too! xx

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