Grief has no schedule. I’ve been going through a lot of losses in the past 2 yrs myself. Just when i think “ I’ve got this.” Unfortunately its got me. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, its just one foot in front of the other as little or as big as the steps may be. I’m very proud of you for writing your chronicles again. It’s just one day and one moment at a time. Much love ❤️

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I missed these newsletters. I had a heart attack last week, and I really needed to read something comforting. The good news is learning a lot of people really care about me. Kind of like a sneak peek of my funeral. The bad news is, of course, literally everything else. Hope you have a good week.

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I truly enjoy reading all of your journals! You are not alone , trust me on that , it’s all in how you handle things .

One day I hope you realize none of it matters except how you live to make you happy first.

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Good morning Steph, from my home in Kansas! What an incredible talent you have for writing. I hesitate to contact you because I have trouble expressing myself. My words never quite seem to do what I’d like them to. But you are so brave that I had to write and tell you how much I admire you. Thank you for putting so much time and love into this. It’s a joy to hear from you. Thanks for telling us of your vulnerabilities.

I wish you the peace and love you deserve.


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Thanks Steph … loooooooove getting your emails. Thinking on what you said i think the old german sentiment about schardefreunde (spelling?) i thnk when we see other people struggling then it normalises our struggles and we realise we’re all perfectly normal. Thats my theory and i’m sticking to it 🤣🥰 … on another note … not sure if you have seen all the adverts asking for folks to apply for bakeoff but i’ve decided to go for it. Not next year … applications are now closed … but the year after …. It gives me a year to prepare and i’ll need that as i’m moving house and job and a load of other things plus i’ll need to plan and get ready … hearing how a lot of applicants had to wait a couple of years also makes me think this is the best plan 😊 i’ll probably end up watching all the bakeoffs again to give myself challenges so will be watching your amazing skills again closely 🥰 Love the mails x

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Hi Steph, you are such an inspiring and sensitive soul ! Over the years I have had bouts of anxiety and depression and found these tools helpful. A light therapy lamp for the winter months and taking vitamin D( especially in the winter ). Vagal nerve stimulation is also very helpful to keep your nervous system balanced. You are much loved and your honesty is very much appreciated! Biggest hugs to you xxoo

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Welcome back! I think hearing about others struggles brings out our empathy. That’s what connects us. It is what drove me to be a nurse. I’m hoping Brent above me in the comments is healing well. Be brave everyone in knowing there are people who care. We are with you Steph❤️

Beth from 🇨🇦

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You're not alone. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. This blog is cathartic and relatable. Times when my mental health seems to be getting the best of me, I rely on TV to help stabilize my environment. And GBBO is a regular go to as well as Downton Abbey. It may be lame to say it but you gotta do what works best for you. I ❤️ Stanley Tucci too.

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Stephi- Your thoughts are appreciated and so well put. Thanks for these. And your struggles are certainly universally shared. It is so evident in the comments from your friends literally around the world. Time of year is hard. The sunrise is beautiful in Virginia right now. Your impact you will never truly know, but for me I stumbled onto Substack because of you and began writing again. Cheers. Scott

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Welcome back petal. This time of year can be really stressful so I’m going to carve out some comfort cooking time and give that bolognaise recipe a go. And the banoffee too .. thanks for thinking of others when you’re struggling yourself xxx

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Hi Stephi so good to hear from you. Don’t worry about how much you communicate it’s so good when you do. I know that feeling when even the smallest thing feels completely overwhelming- just be kind to yourself and take little steps.

Love the recipes- must try the lentil bolognaise. Oh how I wish I liked raw bananas for the banoffee pie. Yes it is so cold so lots of cosy jumpers and layers are the thing. Take care of yourself and take pleasure in the little things! Big hugs x

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Happy to hear from you! Be patient and loving to yourself and try to find a little peace in this beautiful season. xo

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Lovely to find your chronicle in this cold Sunday morning. Love reading your thoughts and your honesty and I am always inspired by your recipes. Keep going. You bring warmth to us all. Ps I too am a little in love with Stanley❤️

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Great to have you back. Don’t feel the pressure to do this every week - absence makes the heart grow fonder. Looking forward to meeting Olive 😍

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Oh, I love Banoffee Pie!! Yours is beautiful. You and your family remain in my prayers. ❤️ I hope you can get cozy and warm and enjoy Christmas, even though you are grieving.

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I have always loved your veggie recipes and that mayo looks so beautiful!

Be kind to yourself - sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is enough, and small victories. It will get better - hang in. X

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