I'm so sorry, Steph. Please do not apologize for sharing your sadness. Losing a loved one is devastating, especially when you've lose a couple in a a year or so, as well as a pet. The grief gets compounded. I'm glad you've shared a little so we can pray for you and your family and send a little comfort. That's what we're all here for, isn't it? To lift each other in times of sorrow.

You and your family are in my prayers. God bless you and comfort you.

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Hi Steph so so sorry to hear your news. Don’t think there is anything I can say to make you feel better but if you can remember the good times and all the love and joy you experienced together it will help to see you through. In the words of the Eagles (sorry my favourite band) ‘It may be raining but there’s a rainbow above you’. Sending lots of love and hugs xx

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Hey Steph,

Me again…..just checking in to let you know I am thinking of you.

I know things seem so bleak right now, but just hold on.

I have a Charlie Mackesy print that says “those are dark clouds…..but they will move on….the blue sky above never leaves” and in some of my most worrying times when my head is buzzing with anxiety I look at it at it helps. I don’t know why but it does.

I’m sure I speak for all of us on here when I say just take care of you, we are here if you need us and the recipes are a joy, but most of all know that you are so loved and somehow you will get through.

I want to sign off saying my usual ‘keep smiling’ but I don’t want it to sound crass and glib. So I won’t. Instead I’m sending you a huge hug.

Lisa x

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So very sorry for your sad loss, Steph. You’re a tribute to your grandmother, honouring us with some of her favourite recipes when you’re suffering. We’re all here for you. 💜

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So sorry to hear the sad news. Sending love. ❤️❤️❤️

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I'm late reading this. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Unexpected loss is hard to take. Virtual hugs to you.

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Hi Steph, very sorry for the loss to you and your family, thinking of you all! Big hugs ❤

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Stephi, When my Father passed away, it felt as if I was standing still and watching the entire world move at its usual unknowing pace all around me. Time literally stood still. You are not alone. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. It helps me to not feel alone too.

Your palate, your struggles, your health are an almost exact replica of my own. Please don't ever hesitate or apologize to share any and all of your devine creations here. Much love to you!


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So sorry for your loss, Steph! Please don't apologize for your grief, and don't feel pressured to get through it either. I hope you and your family get some time to process and take care of yourselves.

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I can relate to your loss as my wife’s mother died and her memorial was yesterday. I miss her kindness, her laughter, and her good heart. I am glad she is no longer in pain and in heaven. Those cinnamon rolls are perfect for our cold autumn weather. Do not feel obligated to write anything lengthy or even at all.

Believe it or not, we love you and enjoy your posts because you bring light and joy with you when you write. Thank you for spreading joy with your love and aplomb in baking and cooking! If HBBO had an all star team, you’d be on it! Never underestimate how good you are!

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Dear Steph,

I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what to say other than that I am praying for you and your family, that you find comfort and healing and relief from this sorrow. May God show you His peace and relief from this heaviness. I pray He will give you strength and grace every day and never leave your side. Thank you for sharing the baked egg custard and sweet morning buns recipes - though I didn't know your Grandma I know she was really special and these bakes will definitely remind me of her. Keep going Steph, praying God will light your way.

Apologies for being absent for a month - since Oct. 10 I was sick, was unconscious for two weeks, went to a rehab to do physical therapy after being discharged from the hospital on Nov. 2, and got discharged from the rehab on Nov. 10. I am just getting back to a month of The Comfort Chronicles. What a hard month you had. Omgoodness. I'm praying God gives you all-encompassing comfort and relief whenever you feel down.

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Big hugs Steph and deepest condolences on the loss of your Grandma 💕


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So very sorry to hear your sad news.

Your Grandma sounds an amazing woman.

Thinking of you and your family at such a sad time x

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Oh Steph, my heart breaks for you. Losing such an important person is so hard. They gave us so much love and amazing memories. I remember on your finale of bake off, thinking how sweet it was when they showed your grandma Sheila in the interview. You could tell how incredibly proud she was of you. Sending so much love your way

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Awesome ladies both of you, as she persevered through life so will you, we all have this mechanism in us that allow us time such as these. Sheila will be greatly missed by family and friends. Seeing the example of life she modeled for you leaves you with great insights that many don’t get in life. I’ll be lifting you up in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs for you during this time…

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Hi Steph, what a lovely tribute. Your grandma sounds like she was a very special lady. Sorry for your loss. xo

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