Couldn’t agree with Lisa’s comment more, plus your instagram ‘Morning Coffee Thoughts’ have often hit a cord to get me through a moment in life when it feels challenging. So a big thank you from me 😊

You take care of yourself & remember we are all behind you x

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Thank you SO much Kay! What a delightful message! Hope you’ve had a good week! Sending hugs and love! 😘💕 Xx

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

We understand being overwhelmed kiddo. Small steps can be anything and making yourself a priority is definitely one. Right there with ya ❤️


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Thanks so much Beth!❤️😘

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

You are such an encouragement, Steph! I wish my younger self had the self-awareness that you have, but I'm learning more and more how to cope and let go of what I cannot change.

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Bless you - thank you Sarah! Sending love to you- hope you’re having a nice weekend!! Xxx

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell


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Hello Steph,

Can I just say……if your pieces of writing weren’t a comfort or a support or an encouragement then no one would bother reading them. They would just get ignored, or deleted. But they are all these things and more….you just keep doing what you’re doing, ok?

What resonated with me was the “nurture yourself” comment. My dad has had a bit of a health scare recently and I know it’s taken it’s toll on my mum. I tried to gently remind her that she too has to take care of herself in order that she can take care of him.

And finally… I bet you look cracking in glasses!

As I say to my children sometimes, keep smiling. x

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Hey Lisa,

Thank you so much for your kindness... I’m so sorry to hear about your dad and you’re right, your mum needs to take care of herself too- sending you all so much love!

Absolutely- keep smiling!😘💕 Xx

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You should do what’s right for you some, if not a lot, of the time. Whilst it’s lovely reading your newsletter and trying out your recipes every week, I don’t think any of your readers would want you to find it distressing to write. It should be something you enjoy doing, rather than a chore, and I’m sure nobody would mind at all if you decided not to publish a newsletter when you’ve had a really tough week and are struggling to write about it. You need to put yourself first and remember that you’re not letting anybody here down. Take care and I hope this week is better for you ❤️

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Thanks so so much for the support and v.wise words- I’m definitely trying to ease the pressure on myself! I hope you’re having a nice weekend! Xx

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Our hearts go out to you Stephi. At times its like your looking in to our daily lives. We all have our struggles in this world. Im honored that you share with us your thoughts on this life. Your dealing with them at a high level which i find encouraging. Keep up the good work. We're here for you no matter what. Help us look forward in life. Love you and pray for you...

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Awh thanks Matt- sending love and hugs to you!😘

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Take good care of yourself first, in whatever ways you need to. That’s what is most important as you find a balance with all of the new things you have recently begun work wise. I bet putting all this to paper is helpful but not if it becomes another source of stress or anxiety. If you need to take a break, we will be here when you return. Love your new book. I work at a library in the US and recommended it for purchase 😊

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Thanks Wendy! And bless you- that’s SO kind of you with my book!😘💕

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Of course!

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I’m constantly amazed at how much you do and your writing is amazing … you shouldn’t be feeling bad about being over committed because i’m not sure there are many people who could get through the work load you do. Am i allowed to ask a question in the comments? If I am it’s this … how do you find so many amazing recipes and how do you choose which ones to make? Do you a billion books in a vaulted cellar or do you scour the internet? I have no imagination for food recipes despite watching a million cooking shows and going on courses. Ok that was more than one question. Sorry. 🥰

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Oh Adrian, thank you so much! Of course - I love questions- to be perfectly honest, I spend WAY too much time immersed in googling, scrolling Instagram, watching you tube or television programmes, there’s inspiration everywhere... the problem I find is that we’re constantly bombarded with ‘stuff’ these days, it’s frenetic and chaotic and our brains aren’t very good at sifting through it... well mine isn’t anyway, and so I often end up going round in circles with ideas... in terms of imagination though, don’t be hard on yourself, firstly the best things in life are often copied and done better- its how things evolve right? And second, imagination is really an unquantifiable parameter- it could be as simple as adding one ingredient to a dish? I’m sure you’ve done that before? Please don’t apologise- ask as many questions as you like!!! Hope you’re having a good week! 😘

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Thanks Steph !

I’m still at a new juncture to baking … learning the vocabulary and what things do and what they are for … beem trying to figure out what different flour does … tried a pizza dough with 250g O/O and 200g Semolina and 50g normal flour and 1g yeast … came out the oven super stiff … absolutely crisp base with no droop unfortunately it was like eating crispy Ryvita 🤣🤣🤣 but now i know what semolina does 🥰 Being doing some pattisserie as well and cakes … but what do you do with them all after you make them? It seems weird to go round offering people slices of cake and tarts, and if keep them my spaniels and i will be a big as a house :) Thanks for the indulgence 🥰 on the questions

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I always want to hear what you have to say. I hope this week is better than the last. Self care is so important and I agree that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Needed to read that this week. Lots of hugs and support! xx

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Hope you’re doing ok Jess- sending hugs back to you! 💕 Xxx

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Steph, please, please, do not stress over writing your newsletter if you’re really struggling. That would be the worst! 😟 I doubt many of your CC community would at all begrudge you some ‘me’ time if you needed a break. We’ll be here for you. 😊 You fret about whether anyone will want to read about you having a difficult time, but I find your musings (beautifully written by the way) compelling because I have plenty of first hand experience of some of the same bumps in the road of life - it’s really meaningful to me and I hugely empathise. Reading other peoples’ comments, it’s clear that the folks round here have a great respect and admiration for what you do, dare I say you’re a bit of a marvel, you just don’t know it yet! 😊

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Oh bless you! Thank you SO much for being so lovely! It honestly means more than you could imagine! Huge apologies that it’s taken his long for me to reply! Xx

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Can I just say I like getting your weekly emails. But please please, if you are stressed right now, take your advice under your "A little reminder..." take time for yourself. If you need a break from the newsletter take it! I screen shot your Morning Coffee Thoughts everyday. Need to make an album with them all together for myself so I can read them over. First off, take care of yourself!! Hugs from all the way across the ocean in Canada

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Awh thanks SO much Kayhryn! it’s funny, this week I took the pressure off myself and subsequently managed to take it all in my stride a lot more... but I promise to it let it stress me too much... I’m just finding this space so lovely and don’t like the thought of letting you all down! Anyway, hope you have had a good week! Xx

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Thanks for showing up. Sometimes that is all one can do. I appreciate your emails and while I don't always read every word, I admire your fortitude and talents. Hang in there.

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Hey Scott- very wise words! Thanks so much for the support!😘

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Stephi, your thoughts resonate with so many and I admire your courage to share so honestly. Have you ever been tested for tick borne infections, like Lyme disease? So many of your symptoms are so familiar to my journey of twenty six years being disabled by Lyme and co-infections. And it’s prevalent enough in the UK, although we’re still seeking recognition of chronic Lyme in the US. In any event, keep on being you and know so many of us are here because of the gifts you have to offer.

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Hey Lynne- oh, I don’t think I have been tested for this, but thanks so much for the insight- I’ll mention it to my doctor next time I see him! Thank youuu! 😘

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Well I’m well happy you shared the chilli recipe after I saw it on your story. Think all of us can relate to weeks (months?) where the well is a bit empty and actually more than ticking over is hard. Even just calling that out - the authenticity of it - is worth it and helps us all in the face of the onslaught of social media perfection. I think your community has your back. Big hugs xx

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Awh, if you try it, let me know what you think?Thank you so much as ever Charlotte for the support!😘 Xx

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