I love reading your chronicles Steph! It’s sometimes just like you’ve been peeking inside my own head! I hope all goes well in your new job 🍀🍀and sorry about your knee - I fully empathise with knee pain now that I have arthritis in both of mine. Onwards and upwards eh, even if it’s at a snail pace some days…. You’re an inspiration to so many. Xxx

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Hey Alison! Awh, sounds like we have a lot in common! Thank you so much, I'm nervous but hopefully will all be ok and I know I'm in a lovely environment! Thank - you, I think it's a case of being patient with the knee - not something I excel at I must admit! Onwards and upwards indeed! sending so much love to you! xx

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I thought the same thing! ❤️

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Always wonderful reading your chronicles. It's Wednesday and I just arrived in London from USA. Long overnight trip with a few challenges...so I was happy to get to my hotel...overlooking Hyde Park. After unpacking and getting comfortable, all I wanted was a bit of fun tv to rest and get ready for the rest of the week. Turn on the tv and there is Steph and the GBBO gang! PERFECT! Could this trip get any better??? Your episodes are a bit like comfort food...which we can all understand. Good luck on the new job and take of your knees...trust me, you'll need them in the decades to come. :)

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I’ve been in Germany for 3 weeks and I’m already having dating drama. Intense dating drama. I’m supposed to be focused right now and I can’t think straight. I know you are very busy. I am trying a new routine this week to help things feel more normal about living in a foreign country. I hope you are well and feeling better!! Lots of love! xoxo

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Sending you love, hugs and positive thoughts and energy for good mental and physical health!

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Thanks SO much Beth! Sending big hugs and love back to you! xx

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The best thing that has helped my health anxiety is not Googling my symptoms. That almost always made me think that death was imminent or something was seriously wrong with me. And almost always, nothing ever was. Sending love and hugs from the US!

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I know - I have been a victim of it for too long (the Googling) and I know it's no help but I rarely learn from my mistakes! Sending hugs back to you! xx

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Loved seeing the newsletter again. I hear you on the joint pain. My son wanted to play video games and I lasted a whole 20 minutes before my arthritis acted up and I had to stop. Getting old stinks.

Good luck on your first day!

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Awh, I'm sorry! You know what, it is sucky, but I'm trying to believe that getting old doesn't stink so much, it has its silver linings I reckon and we gotta be satisfied at each stage, I just have some faulty parts to me! haha! Hope you are having a good week and thank youuuu! x

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Dear Steph,

I commiserate with feeling discombobulated and confused, it's horrible isn't it? Not knowing what day it is and getting stressed out because my whole day is thrown off and I can't seem to figure out why. Had one of those mornings today in fact. Can't find any other way to describe it except "horrible." I empathize totally and hope this coming week is better in every possible way. You're going to be fantastic in your new job! Email attachments be damned. So excited for you!

Thank you for your triple chocolate cookie-biscuit recipe, I am constantly learning so much from you. Maybe last week was your quest for the white stag of baking: behold, the Biscookie! Or maybe we are witnessing an evolution of the biscuit, or the cookie.

I nearly went bonkers at your courgette fritters recipe and photo because it reminded me of Korean vegetable pancakes but I've never tried them with dill, mint, or feta. Had no idea my humble vegetable pancake had this exciting alter-ego, the Herby Courgette, Pea and Feta Fritter. Mind blown. Or maybe you just gave it a fabulous makeover much like the haircut you got this week. Can't wait to try!

I hope the knee pain goes away stat, and may the physio visit end your quest for the cause. Please take the utmost care, and peace to you always, my thoughts and prayers are with you regardless of when we hear back from you, but of course I hope it is soon!

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Hey Hazel - awh I love your messages, they're so thoughtful! thank you AS always for the support! I hope you are having a good week - your Korean veggie pancakes sound amazing by the way! xx

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Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. 😊 Thoroughly enjoyed reading about your week. Cheers to the new job, Steph!

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Yes - so right - one foot in front of the other is a motto to live by! x

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Hello, Steph! Even if you are overwhelmed you’re still doing it and moving forward and that is something to be proud of! You have company in feeling this way as everything in my life right now is new and overwhelming and I miss the comforts of home and my old routine. Guess I have to build a new one. I hope your knee feels better! Sending love and hugs back:)

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Hey Jess - so sorry for not being in touch more - how are you getting on? I hope you are doing ok. AS you say, a lack of routine and change of setting can be so tough - I hope you are managing to settle into things a bit! Thanks so much - fingers crossed the knee fixes itself! Loads of love xx

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Good luck with your new job ❤️

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