Hi Steph,

What a joy to hear from you and all the news you bring. Wedding sounded amazing and your lemon cake - lemony, white chocolatey heaven!! - bet your friend was thrilled and so happy just because you're her friend and bridesmaid. Congratulations to her and Andy!

I'm so glad you talked with someone you can trust, your Doctor sounds amazing. Such wise, comforting words. I really believe your life is following its own wonderful plan, too great to be revealed too you all at once, so you are given small morsels to discover day by day. Patience is learned day by day too.

Can't wait for your book to arrive. In the meantime I'm enjoying learning all I can on these Comfort Chronicles - had no idea the type of flour can impact flavor and texture that much, what a great tip!

It is WAY too early for Christmas. I'm so not ready for all that...

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Hi Hazel,

awh thank you for being so lovely!

Yeah, my doctor is fabulous - when I spend too much time in my own head I really need someone who knows what they're talking about to help me rationalise everything a bit. I'm so bad with patience but you're right - it's key!

Eek - I'm so nervous - I hope you like it!

Absolutely! Christmas also makes me think of coldness - which is a big NO! haha! x

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THE WEDDING CAKE. It will be so special for your friend to look back on and I know you baked it with love…. But omg the lemon and buttercream icing alone YUUUUUM! 😍

Thank you for sharing with us!

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Omg…I love the term “thinky,” and I’m going to use it from here on out! “I’m being thinky again!” Glad you had a good talk with your doc and found some moments of calm on the grass. Deep breaths…sending hugs.

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haha - its a good word eh? I'm ALWAYS way too thinky! Hugs back at you! xx

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Thank you for the green bean salad. Can't wait to try. Please can I ask what the red bits are as there is nothing red in the recipe? Thank you x

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good question, so sorry - they're tomatoes - I literally had 3 leftover tomatoes from a packet and chucked them in - they worked but aren't essential! xx

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Glad to hear you found someone you could talk to and feel comfortable with. You are right about how important it is to have someone who can listen to you and offer helpful advice. Lean into that. Again, don't worry about sharing with people you can trust, if they actually care for you, it will never be a burden for them. I also wouldn't worry about not making the wedding cake, I am sure your best friend was happy you could share the day with her. Sometimes just being there is all that matters.

I wanted to know, what ever happened to Wotsit? Please tell me nothing terrible. You mentioned him on your Instagram, showed us some tantalizingly cute pictures and we never heard anything again. I hope nothing awful happened to that cute little bundle. The dishwasher picture was the best.

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Hey Stewart,

Thanks so much for your kind words.

Wotsit is ok, he's terrible for going walkabouts - in fact, we haven't seen him for a few hours this morning - and the longer he disappears for, the more you wonder where on earth he is, but he's still adorable and real bundle of joy! x

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