This is so awesome! Thank you Steph!

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This is wonderful Steph! Thank you!!!

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Thanks so much Steph. Love the index and all your newsletters. You are an absolute joy. Hope your week went well and you're having a lovely Saturday.

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Thank you!

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Thank you! It was getting difficult trying to locate prior newsletters in my email. This is so much easier!

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That's brilliant stephi,

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Yay! I was actually digging through my “Steph’s Blog” email folder the other day looking for a recipe. Thank you so much. 🧁💕

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Morning Steph!

What a brilliant idea, and wow I didn’t realise you’d done so many recipes. I’m going to enjoy looking through them and deciding which to tackle first!

Quick kitten update for you (Sid & Gus) …well, Gus went downhill for a bit and had several trips to the vet which was both worrying and costly… but after 3 days, of me syringe feeding him food, he started eating again and began putting on weight. It was such a relief!

He is now back to mischievous self and playing with Sid again. Pets bring so much joy to our lives but boy do they make you anxious too.

It sounds like your early morning walks with Olive are a real tonic. I just love hearing all the birdsong.

Anyway I hope all is good with you, keep smiling.

Your penpal

Lisa x

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