Thank you so much for sharing this - nothing better than a newsletter about comfort ❤️ I love the challenge of sourdough, I’ve killed my starter so many times (lol) but baking is like therapy, I can get so absorbed and completely whatever else is going on. It’s challenging putting your creation out into the world but I would love to read more! Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦

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Hey Erin, thanks so much for the message! Omg, I bet you haven't killed your starter, they're remarkably resilient you know - do you pop it in the fridge when you're not using it? I completely agree - it's the only thing that allows my brain to switch off... I mean, it doesn't switch off ENTIRELY, it's usually madly trying to establish what the heck I'm attempting to do - but it switches off from the scary worried thoughts a bit! I'll do my best to keep putting these out there! Sending loads of love! xx

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Hi Steph! Thank you for sharing all of this with us! Whether this newsletter is the only one or you write hundreds more it was informative and fun! When I look for the small comfort things (funny enough when my world feels like it’s crashing, I always flip on GBBO—bc it’s not scary or stressful—to us who haven’t had to compete! 😆). Anyway just doing comfy things and comforting tricks or tips really does make all of the difference. Somehow it’s not just a small thing, it’s everything. ❤️

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Hey, oh I love this story - I used to do this with Bake off when I was at university- it used to send me to sleep at night, not in a boring way, it was just wholesome and delightful! You're so right, it's the little comforts that seem to have a really great impact I find! Thanks so much for the message! xx

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Hi Steph, thank you for all you do - you're an international treasure! I first saw you on the GBBO where you worked your way into my heart. I was rooting for you. I have enjoyed Coffee Thoughts and am now looking forward to The Comfort Chronicles. You have a friend in California.

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Oh my goodness - what a delightful message - thank you so much! Hope you have a wonderful week! xx

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Stanley Tucci, Sourdough and Little Pod is an excellent start, I'm sold! Good luck

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YAY :)

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Hi what a wonderful idea. Who doesn’t need a bit more comfort in their lives so thank you for this newsletter. Sourdough - What a tricky thing haha. Tried throughout lockdown but it was never as risen and ‘wholly’ as I would like. Confess I threw the starter away 😂Yours looks amazing though. X

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Thank so such for the support! As for sourdough - honestly it makes me nervous every time I think about having a go again, as for maintaining a starter - it's defo a commitment, I swear it's like having a pet that you have to feed... but once you master it, if you have the time or inclination, it IS pretty rewarding! xx

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A bit of comfort is always welcome and needed over here. I worry and stress about every single little thing so a bit of comfort in any form always makes me feel so much better. Thank you and I can’t wait to continue reading.

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I'm exactly the same - why are we like it? Thank you so so much for the support and I really hope I can share as many little comforts as I can find with you! xx

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hiya! I’m so excited for this newsletter, I think we could all do with a bit more comfort in our lives to be honest 😊 wishing you a lovely week

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Awh, thanks SO much for your support! And I hope you like it! You have a wonderful week too!💛

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