That sounds like a lovely week away. I had no idea that F1 is aiming to be net zero carbon - I'm so happy to hear that. My parents keep talking about F1 so I think I'm going to give it a go now. :)

I like what you said about doing things that excite you and also with other people. People (myself included) seem so lonely these days and this really seems like good advice to truly connect with others. I recently joined an adult gymnastics club and it was completely terrifying at first (not knowing anyone, insecurities about my body, having zero gymnastics experience lol). But now that I've gotten over that, it is honestly the best feeling to be out there having a good time with other people and learning new skills. Also doing exciting things is a good way to not be in my own head so much!

As always, such a joy to read this newsletter. Have a lovely week! <3

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Do we need to start a letter writing campaign to get you on the Mercedes F1 team as Baking Director? I am full send on that idea :) Would love to see you on some behind the scenes on Drive to Survive!

Cereal and milk is COMFORT food!

Wonderful newsletter <3

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Hi Steph,

Jetlagged! Must’ve been a high-flying magical weekend – so glad you went, sounds like it was AMAZING. Feel like I’m flying vicariously reading your account of all the fun and laughter! Coming back down must be such a huge adjustment. I hope you have a soft landing, with plenty of comfort and therapeutic rest.

Thanks so much for this window into the world of F1, I’m a newbie but so fascinated now. I hope they enroll/hire/consult with you in some capacity, if they don’t have a role yet they should make a special one just for you.

I can’t thank you enough for helping me discover effective ways to survive those inevitable comedowns. Baking bread with bits in, obv! And I love the Choccy Banana & Pecan Cookies, they’re exactly what I need most days.

Oh and I hear ya, when a “why” (or any question for that matter) pops up in my head as I’m editing my own work I feel compelled to answer it before moving on. I need to bridge the gap between this sentence and the next for fear of losing the reader’s attention or trust. Maybe there’s a term for it I don’t know about, “audience-empathy,” or maybe just fear of losing credibility (in my job at least, never want the judge’s mind to stray). I think you’re a great and credible writer!

I love yeast-less bakes, thanks so much for the mind-boggling ring-doughnut shaped Taralli, like teething rings for stressed out adults. And btw I’m addicted to cereal with cold milk. It just NEVER stops being good. I thought it was just me but maybe not! Maybe it’s our version of crack.

Here’s to you and the Comfort Chronicles, magnifica!

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I adore your newsletter, and am always so happy to read them :) Thank you for sharing lovely recipes (I've saved them away to make one day)! And maybe I'll check out Formula 1 (my husband enjoys watching it occasionally) :D

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Dear Steph,

I’m glad you had a great and exciting weekend and were comforted by your bed and coffee upon your return. Nothing like making your own coffee how you like it in your own space. I’m not familiar with the sport but that’s fascinating about the breathing technology for Covid. I hear you about the post trip comedown. I still have to journal about my Iceland trip so I don’t forget it all. On my long list of things to do…along with baking! Sending love. xx-Jess

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