Have you ever thought about hiring out somewhere and doing a chef’s table where you cook and make everything ? Always wondered what it would be like ... 😊 people could drive up and stay somewhere local have dinner with yourself (10 or 12 diners) and try your recipes and obvs meet your self etc. Other restaurants and cooking schools do this sort of thing 🥰❤️

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Hope you feel better real soon Steph. Glad to hear Olive's better, you must be so exhausted. Maybe the crazy weather is partly to blame too. Hang in there. Thank you for putting together another thoroughly enjoyable and comforting newsletter. I can't wait to try the grissini, your truly OG chocolate digestives, and your TCC+ chocolate mousse. Btw I was also really inspired by Ruby's Danish dream cake! And I so miss Anthony Bourdain. I loved his Kitchen Confidential and Medium Raw. Sending you virtual tissues.

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sending tissues and love! i’m right there with you. a combination of things but also i’ve decided the summer heat really affects me. i’m in the states and it’s been nearly 100 Fahrenheit. i go outside to feed the birds and squirrels, water plants and i want to pass out. i just feel miserable which requires extra therapy sessions! on a lighter note- oh my goodness i know what you mean about that episode at the end- i’m still like...huh...what?!?! can’t wait until the finale and then i guess i’ll find another show! i work in film/tv and our industry is shut down- i suspect we will run out of shows very soon. much love xx

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Feel better soon, Steph! The cookies look delicious and I love the recommendations for reading.

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I hope you feel better really fast! Love all these recipes very keen to try the grissini x

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