Crispy chickpeas - weekend snacking sorted! x

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I like serious convo so I’m not scared! Thanks for opening up, it can’t be easy. Also suuuper interested in making my own yogurt. Does the milk have to be whole? What about 2%? 😌

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Hey Anna, YES - and I'm a massive oversharer so things often get serious! haha!

Yes you can use 2% - bear in mind the yoghurt will be looser though! xx

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Thank you for sharing about your medical illness. That must be hard. And thank you for the reminder to take my Vitamin D! Homemade yogurt sounds FANCY! I haven’t tried that but I did make zucchini bread with my mom this week. Hope you feel better this week! sending love and hugs!!! Also, I know what it feels like to feel sorry for myself…I have a mental illness that I manage daily and it’s hard not to slip into that thinking. xoxo

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Yes - get your Vit D in and get outside to absorb a few sunshine rays when you can. Oh snazzy - zucchini bread sounds good! So sorry to hear about your mental health - you're right, some days can be tough eh?

Thanks so much - hope you're week has some sparkle too! Sending loads of love! xxx

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Thanks, I’m gonna be out in the sunshine today after a few rainy days…and I’m preparing to go to Iceland for a conference in 4 days so there will be some sparkle in my week. Once I finish flying (terrible flyer) and land and settle in! xxx Sending love back!

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Thank you for being willing to share all sorts of things with your life, the good and the bad. I truly appreciate it, just as I appreciate your coffee thoughts every morning on instagram which I always take a screen shot of and save to my phone.

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Bless you - thanks for the support Kathryn! I sometimes worry that I'm just such a moaner... but at present, it's a harsh reality and sometimes i think the perception that others are all feeling rosy and fabulous is what makes feeling a bit down even worse... so here I am sharing my moans - as well as the less moany bits, just for a bit of reality! haha! Awh - that's so lovely - thank you so much for the support! xx

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Which is one of the things I like about following you on instagram. You show your real self and not a picture perfect one.

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Hi Steph,

Thanks so much for sharing everything here, your week, and every ounce of faff.

Faff - where have you been all my life? So awesome. That, btw, is a fairly new term for me. It's hardly pretentious, more like a little gold nugget. Who can resist? And why?

You're a warrior against a rather insidious and dangerous condition. Hopefully through daily, patient management, you can daily overcome it. You can make peace with yourself and cheer yourself on in your courageous battle, even if you don't feel victorious every day. I'm cheering for you!

Thanks for the wonderful nutrition book recommendation - Nutrition was one of my favorite courses in college. Our textbook was Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, by Frances Sizer and Eleanor Whitney. I can tell you have a lot of knowledge on the subject, degree or no. It's such a complex, fascinating and important subject. What a shame doctors aren't required to get more training in this area. How many patients miss out on potentially life-altering treatment because doctors fail to spot the issues. I'll check out Rhiannon Lambert's book.

I totally miss going to a salon to get my hair washed, how amazing that sounds right now - even though I wash my hair every day it's nothing like having a professional massage your head with some pretty amazing products. Sounds relaxing and lovely.

Love the yellow jumper!

I run every morning while holding 3-lb. weights in each hand and weights (I forget how heavy) strapped right above my knees. Your gym routine sounds amazing. Hope it produces helpful endorphins to keep yourself from getting too entangled in your thoughts every day. Despite your trials you are still such a positive force of energy, an inspiration. And so humble. You have no idea how great a positive impact you are even today.

You've inspired me to incorporate my yogurt into my diet... I have a feeling the calcium supplements I'm taking are probably not enough. I mean who am I kidding? I have too many problems I've lost track.

Here's to an even better, sunnier week, with more time outdoors and less time in our heads!

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Faff is a great word right? Thank you so much for the support lovely - it really means a lot! Definitely check out Rhiannons book!

Do you know what? I HATE getting my hair done and being pampered - I get bored sitting still for any length of time and I don't like the concept of someone 'treating me'... so bad! haha!

Oh golly running with weights sounds hardcore!! good if you enjoy it though!

and thank you again for all the support and positivity! xx

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Great read & can't wait to see what's next. I also *just* bought a calcium and vitamin D supplement right before reading this which is is quite a coincidence. Here's to healthy bones

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Fabulous news - exactly!

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I know it is not easy to put such personal issues out there but in doing so you are being so authentic, that is the first word I would use if I were to describe you and your work and content to someone. And seeing you’ve had a crap week and have kept it together makes us all feel better about whatever struggles we are all having.

I know dealing with an ongoing illness or condition can be gruelling at times (my middle one is bipolar) and to try and just feel like you are in control of your life instead of the other way around, even in small ways, diet, exercise is something I do try to encourage her to do, to take responsibility for managing her meds properly etc. So I related a lot to this post.

Can I also say I have added the spices too early and have never achieved a crunchy chickpea so am going to try it your way next haha.

And I discovered barre in the last three months and it’s the first classes I’ve ever stuck to. I think I was too focused on calorie burning rather than doing something that made my body feel stronger/healthier.

Fingers crossed for a good week ahead xx

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Awh thanks angel... I'm not very good at being anything other than myself! ...yesterday I felt super poo and was just like... WHAT.IS.LIFE. but I went for a walk after work and as cliche as it sounds - the lack of humans and the abundance of greenery and birds was VERY wholesome, then I woke up feeling a lot more alive which was very welcome!

Thanks so much for your understanding. Yes that's it isn't it? feeling more in the driving seat of the problems... I'm not sure I am at the moment... absurdly, I'm not sure I know what or how I want things to change, like you know when you feel quite disillusioned with things and are like, I'm not even sure what I'm aiming for... BUT.... as basic as it sounds, I'd like to just feel happy - so maybe that's the aim.

Yes - specifically the bold bean chickpeas worked a treat... and dry them really well, remove a the skins if you can be bothered, drizzle with just a dash of of oil, salt & get roasting... and basically leave them to crunch up. Let me know how you get on?

Oh wow - that's amazing, I'm SO delighted for you and it's so good to recognise this because when you find a way of exercising that you enjoy, it's wonderful! I've also heard fabulous things about Barre - i just HATE classes - I like going to the gym on my own, don't like being on a schedule or to have to mingle with people, just me doing what I want! haha! I'm so bad!

Thanks lovely! yes - you too! xx

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You're so thoughtful to share all these recipes! Thank you ! Also sending all the healing energy your way, thank you for sharing and being vulnerable.

I am a "runner turned strength trainer (still with a dash of running)" and its been so wild to see how my body has changed and how much better I feel overall. I don't feel as wrecked after a run and I don't get injured as much. I hope you have similar results!

Cheers friend! Love the posts ✨️💕

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Awh such a pleasure - I've always wanted to be able to share more of the recipes I use but never had the patience to build a website and this seems to be a medium that works well for me, I'm so delighted you like it!

And thank you! That's really great to hear, and to be honest, I used to do more of it a few years back, and just like you, was much less injury prone, so I need to fall in love with it again! haha!

loads of love! xx

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One, please tell me more about this dog Barney you've mentioned, I loge dogs, he sounds wonderful, and how is your cat doing?, and two, I love that you give us a few recipes that include dairy-free alternatives or are seem easy to swap with alternatives (this time I've noticed the milk, personally still exploring egg alternatives). I'm a vegan and I don't often see many vegan-friendly recipes in the newsletters I follow, so this is exciting!

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Barney is a Cavalier King Charles - he's gorgeous! Wotsit is delightful although less so when he finds play mates in the form of mice!!! Yes absolutely you can veganise a few of these - i think the yoghurt bark/froy-yo with coconut yoghurt would be AMAYyyyyZING! Thanks so much for the support! xx

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Bought a jar of those chickpeas on your recommendation and love them! I find de-skinning them quite therapeutic and a bit gross at the same time 🤣 so will definitely roast off the remainder of the jar :) Have a lovely week x

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I can eat these from the jar they are that good! The roasted ones are good too though! Thank you, you have fab week as well! xx

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