Hi Steph,

Omgoodness, you sound like the best dog mom, though it sounds absolutely horrific what you went through. I think after living one day I'd be out for the rest of the week. Please don't feel bad when life tires you out. You are not at all boring or overly dramatic. Your week was rough. I am glad you listened to your body and let it rest mid-week, you're absolutely right resting is sometimes the best and wisest thing you can do. I'm really happy to hear you're going to the British F1 Grand Prix, you need to take a break. Though your TCC is the highlight of my week I'm so glad you'll take this time off, you deserve it. And thanks so much for the recipes, particularly the Feel Better Cornflake and meringues, can't wait to try them!

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oh boy, as soon as I saw unsupervised trash can and puppy in the same sentence, I knew what was coming! Speaking from experience with my husky.

Can't wait to try the black bean and sweet corn salad. Corn is sooo good right now.

Thanks, Steph!

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Sending you comfort over the doggie incident. If it makes you feel any better, it happened to me on more than one occasion! My sweet dog that I had 14 wonderful years caring for used to tip over the trash and her, and my now 18 year old chihuahua, would have a feast 😣 It was very stressful worrying about if they became ill but I think it is almost just one of those rites of passage with dog ownership. Don’t be hard on yourself! Finally, thank you for the Feel better Cornflake, peanut butter chocolate bars recipe. So excited to try!!

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I enjoy our "little club! Have a great time at the races! Share the highlights when you return to the pen and paper. Listening to one's body - absolutely. As a long time runner who has been running longer than you have been alive, I have failed twice to listen and injured myself. Lesson 1- don't run on the beach when there is a slope and just because it is beautiful doesn't mean you can run twice as long as normal. Lesson 2 - careful when running in the rain - one's stride can be different. Now have a bit of plantar fasciatus. As a runner thought you'd appreciate. Cheers. Scott

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