Steph, your newsletter is such a bright spot in my inbox! It feels like a chat from a friend, and I love the variety of subjects you cover. :) I’m a huge admirer of the Queen, albeit from afar, and it’s been so cheering to see the unity and celebratory spirit around the Jubilee. Huge congratulations on the new book, I can’t wait to have a look at it!

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Hey lovely, awh - I absolutely feel like we are friends!

Yes - I agree - it's been a lovely atmosphere! Thank you so much! sending massive hugs and love! xx

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I used to read your stories on insta and want the recipes to your veggie lunches and dinners! So I am LOVING this newsletter.

I am so happy for you that your new book is out - your take on baking/cooking with a calming/therapeutic slant sets you apart and I love you are running with this. Can’t wait for the book. Try and enjoy this moment even though your instinct is to wonder if you deserve it etc. You deserve this. You have worked hard and you have a really valuable message in all you are doing. X

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I will do my best to share as many of my recipes as possible - particularly in regard to the cooking, I am useless at writing down the ingredients I use so I really need to discipline myself more so that I can share them with you!

Omg thank you so much for that support - it really is the process as much as the outcome for me, I just love the creativity and science in it... it's the only thing that occupies or distracts my mind from the yucky thoughts! I'm so bad at 'enjoying' the moment around things like this - instead of being proud, I'm just scared that isn't good enough - great sales pitch that isn't it?! lol!

Thank you so so so much for the constant support Charlotte - you're such an angel! xx

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Hi Steph,

Thank you for the loveliest post. I commiserate with you about the weather - it's such a huge influence on my mood too. Frankly I don't know if I could live anywhere else but CA because it's generally quite sunny here, but when it isn't, wow - not good. When it comes to cleaning, I, too just hate it, so I've developed a routine of cleaning every 5-7 days (bathrooms and kitchen) so that it doesn't get a chance to get dirty. Then cleaning is fast and easy. It's turned into a compulsion. I cleaned this morning.

I can't wait for your book! So very many thanks to you (and your wonderful team) for writing it! And I had no idea you wrote for a magazine - will have to check that out too.

I love tomatoes and all your bakes. And I'm so inspired by your thoughts about the Queen and Jubilee - makes me miss my grandmas who passed away. Perhaps I will adopt the Queen. Not sure if one can adopt a Queen but someone should start that precedent.

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Hi Hazel,

1. I clearly need to live in CA.... room for a small one? haha!

2. right - I should defo adopt this tactic... in fairness, my mum and I share the burden, but the kitchen always suffers a bit because I spend ALL OF MY TIME IN IT! oops!

3. Awh thank you!

4. HAhaha - I love this - yes let's adopt the queen... and does that make Louis our... son/brother/nephew... whatever he is to us, I'm adopting him too - what a little character!

lots of love XX

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1. Anytime Steph! Let me know if you're ever in CA :) I'm quiet and love coffee, baking, and sewing! It was 80 deg F today (or 26.7 deg C) and sunny!

2. I'm always following my mom around picking up after her! My dad and I clean the most, but I stick most rigidly to the cleaning routine because I hate scrubbing...

3. You're clearly super-talented and bless everyone you meet. Perfectly imperfect. Keep being you!

4. I just saw some footage of Louis throwing a tantrum while sitting in between Kate and Charlotte. Making faces and pushing Kate's hand away when she tried to still him. Wow, cute but a handfull! Still want to adopt the Queen... he can come along too... he'll definitely jazz things up!

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Lol Steph - I adore these letters! I wanted you to know, I grew up in the Midwest in the US, a very neat and potatoes situation, so I haven’t acquired much taste for many fruits or veggies beyond the most basic. However, reading your recipes and seeing your posts have got me wanting to try so many new things! You make lots of fruits and veggies I was a little bit *afraid* to try look so yummy and refreshing. Thank you!! So excited for the new book!!

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Thanks Stephi (or do you prefer Steph? - I thought I should check!) I really appreciate you taking the time to answer in so much detail!

You're absolutely right, it is first and foremost about enjoying the baking, which I do for the most part but have a tendency to get a bit frustrated with myself when the result doesn't look like the picture! As you say, though, it almost always tastes ok, which is definitely the main thing. It's funny that you mention salt/sugar - I haven't done it yet, but a while ago I did find a big, unlabelled jar of white stuff in the cupboard which I had to taste to find out which it was!!

The biscuit I was making was supposed to be an oat biscuit. I think the recipe just wasn't detailed enough, as you say. I suspect I had very much under-mixed it,. (Unlike my Victoria sponge this weekend, which I think I over mixed and beat out all of the air, as it didn't rise very well....) I just need to keep trying, which you have inspired me to do - so thank you! I am going to try your recent biscuit recipe. I just need to get all of the correct ingredients - the staples I have in the cupboard are very basic (plain flour, self raising flour and caster sugar is about it!)

I hope you're having a good week. The sun is shining in Cambridgeshire this morning, which, as you say, always makes for a better day :)

Lara xxx

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Hello :) I am usually too shy to post anything or reply to anything, especially on social media, but this feels like a nice, safe space - so here goes! Firstly, I wanted to say that I loved watching you on GBBO and was/still am so much in awe of everything that you achieved on the show and since then. Thank you so much for this newsletter - it is such a lovely read and really cheers me up every week! I really enjoy reading about your baking. I have been baking myself for several years (since I became a fan of Bake Off, in fact!) but I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and embrace the whole process a bit more. I feel that I don't have much of a natural 'instinct' for it, which means that I don't know what to do if things aren't going as I had hoped. For example, I was making some pretty basic biscuits recently (not from one of your recipes, though, just from a random one I had found on line - that was my first mistake!) and when I came to roll-out the dough, it was too dry and kept cracking. I had measured out the quantities exactly and didn't know how to correct this. I put some milk in but I think I over-did it and then it was too sticky and wet! (You should have seen the mess in my kitchen on that day!!) I persevered and ended up with something that was a sort of hybrid between cake, cookie and biscuit. They were a bit weird (I still ate them, mind you, but I wouldn't have wanted to inflict them on anyone else!!) Do you have any tips for learning how to deal with things not going to plan part-way through a bake? I guess maybe it's just experience? I plan to try your recipe for oat biscuits from last week - I'm sure I'll find that easier, as you go into so much helpful detail! Thanks so much again - I'm already looking forward to next week's instalment :)

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Hey Lara, Oh I am so so so thrilled you have written a message... I can also massively relate to the fear of posting/replying - but I'm telling you now, it's made my day, so thank you!

Ahh bless you - thank you for the support... as for your baking... if you enjoy it, it's worth it, no matter what the outcome is! And the pleasure with baking is that broadly speaking, even when you royally balls up, it is still pretty tasty... with the exception of using salt instead of sugar - that's an issue! haha!

I completely understand the frustration that comes with not knowing why things have gone wrong, it's the thing I constantly moan about... but... with time, you do start to gather knowledge, and if you are interested in establishing the science that is going on, it does kinda make everything make sense, and I love this learning process.

That being said, it is a v.slow process and you just gotta be patient - which I hate! My First suggestion is to always use reputable sources for recipes and if they are rated, even better - find the ones that other people like! With biscuits, I hear ya - I, have had, and still do occasionally have this problem - was it like a shortbread biscuit? It's hard to know how to correct this without seeing the recipe, but firstly, it may have been the recipe that was a bit amiss - i.e. the ingredients, second the instructions may have been too simple, I sometimes find that recipe developers miss details which means that you just don't realise the importance of X Y Z in the process. Third, with biscuits and pastry, I always worry about over-mixing the dough, so I have a tendency to drastically under mix it which essentially makes it dry and cracky because it just isn't worked together, yes you have to be gentle and not overwork it but not so much so that everything is basically not combined!

Also... google the problem... "why is my biscuit dough cracking" see if any of the suggestions may be plausible for your situation, then either try again or try another recipe and see if you have any success. I hope that helps a bit!?

Sending loads of love! xx

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So glad you’re keeping with it! You’re brightening our inboxes ! The tomato thing… LOL I get it. Not a loser. Sometimes when I get home from the farmers market I just stare at my stuff ! (Out of site of others) 🥴 haha! Yuuum fresh tomatoes slurp!!! I made the Jennifer Aniston salad and boy oh boy made too much of the grain part so the entire salad grew to match and now… would anyone like some? I have tons! 🤣 but it’s quite filling and as that was the goal for my desk lunch it’s a keeper. Hope you’re having a great week! Happy Jubilee ! ♥️

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OMG, twins! So... my favourite thing is a famers market... and (are you from the UK? if so) have you been to the Gloucester services farmshop? They do this truly INCREDIBLE yoghurt that I can only get here - its called The ladies organic kefir youghurt (or something like that) anyway, it's simply DEVINE! So I can totally relate to the excitement that comes with a good F-shop haul!

Hahah - you know what? I'm the worst for this - I always misread recipes - often my own and have to adapt as I go - nightmare, but luckily a reasonable salad to have surplus off - any work colleagues you can palm it off onto? lol!

Thanks so much - hope you are having a good week too! xx

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Tomatoes with the stalks still attached remind me of my grandfather. He used to grow them in his greenhouse. Having one with a sprinkling of salt with him was a special treat. If I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of the stalk I can almost hear his voice. Food nourishes our hearts and heads too ❤️X

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Absolutely love this story! Isn't the power of food phenomenal? xx

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I really enjoy reading your newsletter. I usually wait to read it till I’ve poured myself a cup of coffee and can sit and read it in peace. Question: you bake so much but who eats it all! I’m not British so I can’t translate what it’s like to have a Queen, but I’m glad you have that figure as a source of comfort for you. The climate here in America is a bit horrifying so it’s nice to read something comforting. xx

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Awh thanks Jess.

I have neighbours who take a lot of my stuff... and friends, work colleagues too... I just palm it off where I can and then chuck stuff in the freezer. Some stuff tastes amazing having been frozen - things like banana bread - mind blowing if you freeze and then defrost!

It's funny isn't it? You just accept what you have I guess, but I do find her particularly comforting! Sending love and hugs! xx

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love and hugs back. xx

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Hi Steph,

Loved this week's newsletter (I flew through it, honestly, don't worry about the length!)

Definitely going to try the cheesecake, it sounds delicious! Have you ever used Hobnobs in place of digestives?? So good imho.

Hope you have a great week!

Julia x

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Right I need to get on to substack and get them to allow me to write more - lol! just kidding! Thank you SO much for the kind words - you wouldn't believe how much I worry when I write stuff so it genuinely means so much! Yes I have tried hobnobs, you're right - they're fab... to be honest I just use what I have at the time! Thanks so much, you too!


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Stephi, I love your newsletter so much! It's like having a lovely, cozy tea with a friend and you feel better about everything by the end. Your descriptions of food and things make me smile. You have a great voice for this. Thank you for sharing it.

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AWhhh you're too lovely, thank you!!!! xx

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You're welcome!

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