Apr 30, 2023Liked by Stephi Blackwell

So glad you are on the wild garlic bandwagon! The flower buds before they open are beautiful pickled, a bit like a caper. Great in salads or on pizza. Enjoy the race later :)

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OMG YES - I've seen loads about pickling the flower buds - I need to give it a go!

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I'm a bookseller in the US so I am HAPPY to make recommendations! Here are a few:




If none of those strike your fancy, let me know and I can make more suggestions. Thanks for the weekly update - it's always great to hear from you.

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OK, THIS IS COOL! Firstly, your job sounds dreamy - do you get to bury yourself in books 24-7? I swear a book shop is one of the most relaxing places to go to be... I ALWAYS outstay my welcome haha!

Second, ok, lesson's in chemistry has been on my radar so I'll hit this up for SURE. Sounds like A gentleman in Moscow is a goodie too - thank you so much for these recommendations - you're a doll! xxx

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A gentleman in Moscow is wonderful. One of my favourite books

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We've been making peanut butter for about a year now and absolutely love it. I haven't had luck with chocolate hazelnut yet so let us know if you crack it!

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Heading to the park with a bag in search of wild garlic. X

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Did you find any? I need to go and find some more - I'm addicted to the stuff! xx

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I did. Looking forward to making the pesto now. I’d never picked it before but I’m hooked now. The smell is divine x

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I also had an experiment failure this week (brownies fell apart - I think I used too much liquid). I would LOVE to try wild garlic leaves in recipes, but I have no idea where I would find them. Wishing you all the best vibes for this week!

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Hey Brent - oh no! What recipe did you use? Where do you live? are you based on the UK? if so, woodland areas are a good place to start!

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I live in the US, in Texas. I used this recipe: https://cooks.com/wv6ho0d6 (no one reading this use this recipe; this went poorly)

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The midnight library was so surprisingly amazing as a book. As someone who also struggles with the low bits on and off it has become one of my favorite easy reads and it keeps my head straight.

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I've read this and enjoyed it too! Such an easy and comforting read, I've read a lot of Matt Haig's books, have you!? xx

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Yes! I love his writing. But I do love the midnight library most and read it once a year to remind myself everything will be okay and all paths ultimately lead you where you’re supposed to be in the end. It’s probably time to reread it actually ha

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I'm here for the malt loaf! We don't have that here in the US so I'm intrigued.

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OK, Mary, this needs to change and you NEED to try Malt loaf - can you get Malt Extract in the US? This is KEY!

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Your last couple of newsletters have been full of positive vibes, I’m really happy for you being in a better place and long may it continue! 🙏🏻 I wondered whether the change in seasons may have helped but staring at the incessant rain and chilly weather that we’ve been tolerating lately it seems unlikely. While I’m only an occasional baker (I defer to my wife who knows what she is doing) she has volunteered me to make some scones for the Coronation weekend. Yikes! Help!! If you notice a commotion coming from the direction of Hoole next week you’ll know where that’s coming from... on a sporting note I was delighted to hear of Wrexham FCs recent promotion, my boss at work is a resident and fan and can scarcely believe it. Will you be going to the British Grand Prix this year? Anyhow, have a great week, and yes Tuffers seems like a really nice guy!

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Hey David, thanks so much for the support. You're right, the weather has definitely been a help but also this purpose I have had recipe testing for my friend has been the BEST. Yesterday morning, I decorated one of the MANY cakes I've made this week and I felt like I was riding the most relaxing wave - it was a PURE zen moment! I know these moments don't necessarily last but I do hope it sticks around for a little longer because it's been lovely!

I will be sharing a Victoria sponge recipe on Sunday which would be a good coronation recipe although you could start even simpler with something like Tiffin and people will love you FOREVER - such a crowdpleaser!

OMG YES - how incredible is the Wrexham FC story? I wish I could go and watch a match, also can't wait for the documentary on them! What a fairytale story? AND YES OFC we're going to the GP, I'm slightly heartbroken that we won't be able to take Olive but cannot wait for the weekend! Hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to the long weekend!

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Awww thanks Steph for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. Scone making this evening....😱.... hopefully it will be a zen moment for me! 🤣 I love Tiffin, will have to try making that. I think Olive would be scared witless by the sound of the F1 cars, wherever she’ll be it will be better for her. Sounds like you’re having a pretty good week so far, good to hear. 🙏🏻

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Was just wondering about Olive! Our solution to the “teething phase” fill up a basket full of 2nd hand, no longer needed, leather items (shoes, belt, pocketbooks). Helped our 🐶s. Malt Loaf?! 🙏 tell us more! YAS on F1!! Hubs and I thrilled to see Alonso take a few podiums recently 🤩 major props to the senior driver 🇪🇸 Happy Sunday dear one❣️

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Shelly - ok so Olive is doing GOOD - I think we expect a LOT of her and so unnecessarily worry about certain things but generally she's a doll - she isn't teething too badly now, barking at the door is a bit of an issue - it's a protective/fear thing more than anything else which is really hard to halt, she also has a tendency to 'submissively' wee if she greats new people, she's perfectly toilet trained but when she meets new people gets so nervous and has a little wee - kinda cute but not ideal - hoping she grows out of that !lol!

Oh yes - it's fab to see Alonso doing well isn't it? Such a great driver! Hope you have had a good week! xx

p.s. Malt loaf - a sticky, fruity, sweet cake/tea loaf that is a vehicle for a THICK WEDGE of butter! PERFECTION!

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Leeks are my absolute fave!! Look forward to seeing a yummy leek recipe in the newsletter soon :)

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I'll keep leeks on my radar and hopefully incorporate them in some dishes soon! XX

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