This newsletter is incredibly comforting as usual, thank you! The holiday and Love Actually are my favourites as well in addition to Christmas with the Kranks which I find so hilarious. 😁

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Congrats on the puppy and best of luck to you. You’re anxiety and fear may have peaked in 2022 but you’re still here because you pushed through it every time! I’m happy to be home in Montana for the holidays and to have a break from Germany for two whole weeks. I’m surrounded by family and my parents dogs and most importantly my dear cat who I’ve missed so much these past months! Merry Christmas to you, Steph! Sending love and hugs!!! ❤️

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Good news is after 6 months the puppy work will be easy and totally worth it. Don’t get crazy like i did and get two puppies. That’s pure insanity. Trying to clear up one puppy and train them while the other puppy thinks it’s all a game and they never settle down. Hardest thing ever !!! However it is totally worth it. :) One HUGE word of CAUTION … forget about food being dropped … watch out for medication. IBUPROFEN will kill a dog with one tablet. My puppy snapped one up and 3 days of stress and £4k later she was ok … stomach pumps, charcoal liquids and IV’s, overnight stays and liver treatments. that was all when we got her to the VET within 30 minutes of her eating it. So watch your medications. Oh well off to watch more Bake Off … is it me or is the standard insanely difficult now? Definately put me off from applying.

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Hi Steph so sorry I’m so late with this but Christmas was so busy and only just coming up for air!!! Your new puppy is adorable. My son and his girlfriend got a puppy during lockdown (a beautiful Pembrokeshire Corgi). He is two

now and it does get easier. We had never had a dog in the family and now I am a big fan but it

was very hard work in those early days but well worth it. I do love Christmas but like you I am hoping 2023 will bring some more happiness. You have had a really hard year and whilst mine was mostly lovely we had a big hit when the baby my daughter was carrying was found to be not viable with a big chromosome issue. Apparently just bad luck and nothing they could do about it so I am secretly hoping that my daughter and fiancé get the happiness they deserve in 2023. So sending lots of hugs. Hope you got through Christmas alright and here’s to better days. Xxx

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I love your honesty!!!

Wonderful for you and your mom on the puppy. 2022 is almost behind us and we can only look towards 2023 with hope. All the best

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So happy for you and your mum and the new puppy Olive! I agree on the champagne...one half bottle last me and my husband as well! I adore your newsletter so much and connect with your journey as well! Xoxo


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It is always a treat to get your newsletter. Your little dog is so cute!

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It's always a treat to receive one of your newsletters. Merry Christmas to you, your Mom and Olive!

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Hi Steph,

What a wonderful gift you are, what a beautiful newsletter. So happy you got Olive, wishing you many happy, albeit enervating days ahead as she fills you and your house with joy and wonder. Thank you for taking the time to write to us - so comforting! - while chasing after her! You have amazing commitment. I'm too afraid of the highs and lows of getting a puppy to commit. I pray you are blessed and energized every day because I know you're an amazing puppy mum. Olive's the luckiest puppy ever.

I, too, am glad 2022 is almost over. I'm so thankful to make it through. What a tremendously difficult year it was for you. Praying for you to have a better, endlessly fulfilling 2023. I can't wait to try your salted caramels and crumble, how did you know these are my FAVE things in the world? So perfect. After my month-long hospital stay I don't feel I'm back yet and I'm not working, but somehow made it almost to the end of the year. Looking forward to 2023 and wishing only the best for you and your mum and Olive. You are an amazing blessing and inspiration and in my mind you're crushing it every day, even though you may have a hard time believing it. You're a success on so many levels. Praying you become convinced of this soon - 2023 here we come!

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Merry Christmas Steph from New Zealand!

We don't have a big Christmas here either, on the day it is usually just my parents and I (and a few cats). Our traditions are Mum makes her Christmas Cake, I make my non-alcoholic eggnog (as I don't drink) with a bit of extra nutmeg and vanilla 😋

Hope you and your family stay warm! Have a Happy New Year too ❤

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Merry Christmas to you from Ottawa Canada! May 2023 be filled with simple pleasures and great health!!

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Thank you for all you share! Yep the puppy/kitten thing is hard but profound. Nice to be forced out of ourselves. Like you looking forward to 2023

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Merry Christmas! My dad has been gone for 32 years and it’s still hard. Christmas dinner was his gift to us. French onion soup, small salad with homemade bleu cheese dressing, Prime Rib with horseradish sauce, creamed spinach, glazed carrots, baked potato and fresh rolls. I miss him especially at this time of year because my daughter and son never got to know him and the special man that he was.

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Merry Crimbo to you, your mum and poochie, and have a brilliant New Year Stephi

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

Happy Christmas and Cheers to Champagne! Also lost my Dad this year, and I agree the holiday season is definitely not the same. Melancholy mood here…🎄🙂

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It was awesome to get your newsletter in my inbox this morning. Have a happy holiday!

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