Hi Steph,

Do you know what I’ve felt a bit “meh” too this last week or so. I am a one for writing lists and love ticking them off when they’re done, but a bit like you I just wasn’t in the mood.

Until …. I got the paint brush and roller out and did a bit of decorating. Nothing major, just a touch up to make it look fresh again. But something about sloshing the paint on the walls with the radio on in the background lifted my spirits. I still hate these dark mornings and dreary weather but every time I come down the stairs I smile cos it looks clean and fresh (I painted the hall and stairs).

Love you recipes btw…. gonna try the ginger biscuits, I love a good dunking biscuit.

Keep smiling

Lisa x

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Hey Lisa, omg I totally relate to you.... sorry your week has been a bit meh too! and I love a bit of decorating!!! It’s like cleaning or tidying I find- the reward lasts quite a while doesn’t it?

Let me know how the ginger nuts go! Sending massive hugs! Xxx

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Ah your popcorn description gave me instant flashbacks to watching movies and my Grams's house when I was little. Giant pillows on the floors with buttery homemade popcorn with my Grams nearby. Thank you for transporting me back in time for a moment :)

Good luck to all of us this week, maybe we find unexpected joyful moments and have the strength to hold on in between those moments

Thank you Steph!

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Hey Steph, I live in BC Canada and i have days like this too. I think if you live in a rainy place we have grey days that last a bit. When I was in Ontario Canada I had much fewer of them because it was still a little bright out certainly compared to BC. My husband loves ginger biscuits so I can’t wait to make them for him. Big Hugs from BC, Tina

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Hi Steph! I felt this way a bit too this week so you’re not alone. The time change has been brutal with it getting dark so early. I’m glad you found some comfort in baking. They all look so great. I don’t have an oven where I’m staying at in Germany but I’ll be sure to bake when I go back to the States for Christmas. Sending love and hugs! xx

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Know exactly how you feel, combination of the weather and the ‘jet lag’ hour. Love reading your newsletter and seeing your daily porridge. Would love to know your recipe please

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I’ve been thinking of a different lentil recipe to make and then there it was! Will report back❤️

Beth from 🇨🇦

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Yup … huge slump but 2 fluffy spaniels insist i get up and take them out even if it’s freezing and raining and dark … the difference between discipline and motivation. Motivation … when you have a reason to do something. Discipline … when you have no reason but you do it anyway. 🥰

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As the seasons change they seem to pull us in the same way you have described. I think it awesome your looking forward thru those foggy new spectacles. Sitting still in life is a needed gift, under any season of life. Thanks for the reminder. No matter the circumstances of life your baking powers emerge lifting mind and soul of us all. Thanks for moving all us followers, bakers, to a new level in life. Enjoying you and your life endeavors…

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Thank you for sharing your week. It’s hard to be in the grey funk and wait for it to pass. Everyone feels it from time to time, it helps to hear how others work their way through it. Your ginger biscuits sound amazing. They will be in the cookie jar this week! Enjoy your time tucking in and just being YOU :)

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Thanks for the recipes. It is nice to have some of your guidance as I prepare for the week. I'll try the Shepherds pie. I've been looking for a ginger cookie recipe so yours looks perfect. Not too sweet. Intrigued by the spice mix (and the name of it).

One of my go to books for this time of year is Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor. I try to embrace the winter darkness and it is always a challenge. Easier when the stars are out. In Virginia now it is rainy and ridiculously warm. I want a cold clear night! Take care. Scott

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Hi Steph, your newsletter popped into my inbox just as I was about to do my online shop, so your lentil shepherd’s pie is on our menu for this week - thanks for sharing it. Love a ginger biscuit, especially at this time of year. Hope your week is good 🥰 x

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Hi Steph

Couldn’t agree more about the meh week. Seems it’s been nothing but rain, rain, rain! Thank heavens for GBBO and Strictly imo!

The lentil shepherds pie sounds lush. I make a very similar one and add mustard powder to the mash and sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top just before baking. Gives an extra crunch! Haven’t made it for ages but after seeing your recipe, have decided today’s very much the perfect day for it. Just got to get to the shops now and guess what? Yup, raining!

Have a lovely week :)

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Popcorn really brings joy. ❤️

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