Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Hi, Steph! I’m glad to hear you’ve had a less stressful week. Congrats on the mew spatula and glasses. New glasses are the best when you really like them. I changed my clocks here in Germany. Daylight savings happens soon in Europe than in the states so I was not prepared for it. A bit confused when I woke up. Can’t wait to hear about your new project! Sending love and hugs!!! xx

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Those recipes look amazing - particularly toffee apple sauce! With you on Halloween- where has it all come from? When I was young we didn’t really do it although I do remember apple bobbing and I quite like pumpkins - carved or not! 🎃Firework night was major though and doesn’t seem to be so much anymore but then you rarely saw fireworks other then 5th November. Wow I sound old. Thanks for a great letter and glad you had a good week. Glasses look great xx

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Your recipes look fantastic and also, you’re a beautiful writer - you’ve got a really good way with words. It was lovely to hear you’ve had a much better week this week and it’s reflected in your writing. I’m with you on Stanley Tucci and spatulas. You can’t beat a great spatula 😆

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Both those recipes look amazing! Also your photos are fabulous. Very glad you had a good week and excited for news. 😁x

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It IS always the good stuff! My toddler spilled a whole tin of my best loose leaf tea just last week. ☕️😭

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Steph, so glad you’ve had a less stressful week, and it sounds like you’re making progress on a number of issues - the best thing is that you’re doing something about the things that are concerning you, not letting them fester. On the subject of Halloween, I’m completely with you, it just wasn’t a thing when I was young and I just don’t really get it, I always looked forward to bonfire night far more. When did it become so huge? And I’m also completely with you on Stanley T - it’s impossible to rave too much about that man, a very capable and distinguished actor, such a charming guy, total class act and brother-in-law of Emily Blunt to boot. The Searching for Italy series is so beautifully put together, it’s a must-watch. He’s a kind of culinary Michael Palin, both of them share a zest for life and a sense of wonder that is infectious! And if life is ordinary, well just appreciate it as it is, you don’t need to do ‘exciting’ every week, I enjoy your musings on life just as it is, your open, honest writing is a joy to read!

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Thanks Stephi,

I used part of your butternut squash recipe from last week and appreciate the recipe which got me going. Just needed a nudge. The spilt coffee (not worth crying over spilled coffee?) was darkly funny. Two weeks ago I watched a spilled hot chocolate at a football match (US soccer) get tracked up the stairs while the ushers were using paper towels to clean it up. It oddly took on a life of its own! Scott

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Great read Stephi, Great friends, great stories and of course good food. Thanks for sharing enjoy how well life is going for you. Taking care of yourself is a priority glad your doing this. We'll be waiting with curious minds. ;)

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Hi Steph, if you have time, could you share some of the exercises that your physio gave you? I too have been dealing with a wonky knee and would love to try them. Thank you!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Making the soup this week too! Thank you for the recipe. Great timing!❤️

Beth from 🇨🇦

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Hi Stephi…first time commenter from Canada 🇨🇦! I always looks forward to your Chronicles and am glad that things are becoming more calm for you. The timing of your soup recipe is perfect…I bought a butternut squash this week and wasn’t sure what to do with it! Now it is going to be soup 😊. Hope you have a good week!

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Lovely, as usual. 😊

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

You are awesome … don’t worry about wether you do enough for everyone else … take care of you first. ❤️ Hope to are going to visit Eataly near Liv Pool station in London … amzing Italian especially the huuuuge delicatessen. Finally … across the road is the Pan Pacific Hotel … afternoon tea in there will blow you away 🥰

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

Hi Steph, I love the sounds of this recipes but definitely on Tuesday I'll try the pumpkin soup. The idea of roasting the pumpkin with garlic is so clever. Thank you for sharing your lovely recipes:-)

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