The salad is right up my street. Thanks for the recipe ( and all the others). X

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Hi Steph, glad you had a better week! I had similar experiences holding my niece when she was born, terrifying which made me feel like a bad uncle.

Your itchy eyes sounds like eye strain. I had a stye once and was told to use a colloidal silver spray in my eye and that cleared it up in a couple of days so it may help your conjunctivitis? Could ask a pharmacists opinion?

Your knee pain could be referred from tight hip muscles and tendons? So specific stretches aimed at the hip joint, Quads and adductors could alleviate your pain? Hope this helps, after all the help you provide us every week 😊

Your recipes look really delicious, I grow pumpkins so these recipes will be a great alternative to what I usually do with them. Looking forward to trying them!

Have a wonderful week Steph

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Glad you keep working at figuring it all out. Using time wisely is an important lifelong pursuit with continued adjustments over one's day.

Love the squash, kale recipe. So Autumn! Scott

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Team Stephi, alright do we get T-shirts???? Reading your post still excellent, every post we learn about a new area of your life, I only thought you were a baker, there’s some much to your interesting life. Your F&V great share, baby’s to boot awesome we’ve all had that experience of holding that baby lol. Still an amazing baker, reminds me of your Ice Cream cake from the BB series. Time your sharing yours greatly appreciated. You fill that much needed spot in life, Thanks… you’ve probably shared, encourage more of us than you can imagine. You have invested your personal time in us. Thanks again…

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So glad to hear things have been looking up for you last week, and that you’re persevering at work. I’m sure that if you give it time, you will settle in, though it does sound like this coming week is going to be busy, not too taxing I hope. You’re absolutely right to say that work can be dull, but it can be enjoyable, rewarding and even fun sometimes (yes, really! 😆). The early weeks just feel daunting though, so give yourself a pat on the back and take one day at a time. Have a great week and all the best to you and your mum! 🙏🏻

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Thanks for a great newsletter - I love reading them but you need to look after yourself so make sure you only do as much as you can. I also read last weeks again and I so understand the ‘overwhelmed’ bit. I get it really quickly with really stupid things like how long it takes me to get ready in the morning!!! That quote about time is the best too. If you have time to share the recipie for the dried clementines (?) that would be great. I’m seeing them on a Christmas cake! Hope some of your ailments get better this week and remember to take care of yourself. Big hugs x

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Definitely trying the biscuits and the salad. Right up my alley! You’re on the right track sweetie. Keep going! Like Darnell, I’m getting up there too and understand the gift of time. Keep that message close and be brave when needed and be kind to yourself. Who said “the world is round so we can’t see too far down the road”? Have to look that up. Have a great week!

Beth from Canada

(A one time skydiver! Yup! Did it 😜)

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The baby story was too funny! And at 69, I know all too well that time is a precious gift...I only wish I had gained that particular wisdom at your age. Take it to heart and enjoy! Thank you for another great newsletter.

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I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, even if exhausted! I know just what you mean about being so tired and then going to bed only to have your brain start going. Ugh.

Was that the first time you've held a baby? Good work giving it back whole! 😁

The pumpkin rolls are gorgeous!! And I want to try the biscuits. I love the little tips! Have a wonderful week!

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