Jul 25, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

I will.

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I made the cherry compote from last week and it is FANTASTIC ! Another batch on the stove as I type thank you :)

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Oh you absolute ANGEL, I love hearing this, so glad you like it and also thank you so much for trying it! xx

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Gonna try the mint and lime iced tea thus week, and hooked on the athletics too.

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It's been so good hasn't it? And let me know if you try it - make sure it's super iced cold!x

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Love this - I totally understand having a marathon week! We bought a house Tuesday, moved Wednesday, worked Thursday, moved more Friday, unpacked Saturday and cleaned the old rental today… suffice to say I’m exhausted but your quote at the end is giving me so much good vibes for the next week and I need it. Thank you!!!

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Oh my goodness - that sounds UTTERLY exhausting! I'd have been on my knees! Hope you're having a reasonable Monday! x

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Hi Steph,

What an amazingly jam-packed, productive, successful week you had! You're a force to be reckoned with, keeping up with friends (excited for your friend's wedding btw- congrats!), working, writing, baking, creating recipes, foregoing sleep, hospital visit... with a schedule like that I probably would've called it quits after Monday. Glad you made it (in spite of the heat too) with flying colors. I too had a pretty chaotic week, starting with huge expectations from the boss, deadlines to meet... but by Thursday I had completed them all and even got an award from the boss, some unexpected and encouraging praise. I even went to see the doctor too - on Wednesday. After all that, the weekend just isn't long enough, no weekend can stand up to that level of exhaustion.

Thanks for the comforting and encouraging newsletter, your recipes, and insight, despite the chaos. Looking forward to another productive and successful courgette-filled week for you and all, and some of that banana iced mocha!

I hope your hospital visit went well and all reports are good (I have to do a follow-up).

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Awh fantastic - huge congrats for your work and praise from your boss!! I know what you mean, Monday comes around too quick doesn't it? Thanks so much as ever for the support - hope you are having a good start to the week! xx

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Thank you for sharing! Never made homemade hummus before but now I must! Also, THAT CAKE! Nothing bad has ever happened if it’s covered in cream cheese frosting mmmmm!

I like your quote. I’ve been on quite an internal journey of trying to truly be conscious in the moment in my life and boy oh boy … this week was chaos. Was I even present once? 🥴 thanks again Steph! ❤️

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Defo have a go at homemade hummus - although, Ill be honest, shop bought rarely fails - Sabre hummus is my fave - have you tried it?! Awh, I so feel you on this - there are days where I'm like, "right, have gratitude, be present and thankful for all the things plus have all the good thoughts" and then life happens and suddenly you crumble? Hope you are having a good start to the week and sending hugs! x

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I’m so excited to have a go at your hummus recipe this week. Might try and squeeze the courgette pesto in too. Your newsletter really is such a comfort ❤️X

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Yayyyy - let me know if you try them! x

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Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and your perspective on the state of the heat. We are very lucky to live in a coastal region that is, for the most part, immune to the changes in the weather. However, we did not always live here so we can relate to those sweltering days of summer. Our heat is usually a rebound and comes in September or October.

I can relate to feeling compelled to watch your favorite sports when 9 hours away. My husband sat up all night when we were staying in Scotland in October 2020 so he could watch the World Series of Baseball. I mostly was able to sleep through the bright lights - he wore head phones, thankfully. However, it was a must and I certainly understand your dilemma.

Keep those newsy letter and recipes coming. We have tried several and are very happy trying new tasty additions to our diet. So, a huge thank you.

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Oh gosh - you have that heat to come then - good luck!

Haha - I love that story of your husband and the baseball! The lengths we will go to to catch sport!

Oh gosh, that's so wonderful to hear! Thank you so much! xx

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Wow 🤩 you are amazing 🤩 Steph. Those look amazing !!!!!

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Awh bless you- Thankyou so much! X

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Those recipes looks really delicious!

Wish you could send some of that nice heat down to NZ, barely stopped raining last two weeks. Can't wait for summer

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Awh, I sympathise with you!! something reminded me of Winter yesterday and omg the horror at the thought of cold, dark, rainnnn... in fact, I have an idea - we should house swap for half the year? Then we both get 365 days of summer... winning! x

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Haha 😄 great idea although it would be less house swap, more room mates as we would be in the same place at the same time 😅

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