Jul 17, 2022Liked by Stephi Blackwell

lovely xx

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thank you! xx

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Dear Steph,

I’m surprised reading about the triple digit weather (40C / 104F) in the UK. In CA it’s crazy but not unforeseen in June-August, but must be quite an adjustment for you and your neighbors. Given British resourcefulness and survivalism I hope this spurs some ingenious ice creams, bakes, and other foodie concoctions! In the meantime I hope you stay safe and cool… honestly don’t know what else to recommend other than ice cream and ices, free air conditioning in malls… and definitely fresh fruits and granitas… oh you totally get it, that’s the way to go! 😊

Definitely agree this is an opportunity to rest up a bit, embrace that “I’m on holiday” mentality because it probably won’t stick around forever. I’m beyond thrilled to hear of your spontaneity, socializing, and writing. Loved seeing you, Steven, and Peter together in a photo– 3 stars all together, so brilliant!

I adore pizza and had no idea I can fry it on a dry pan while dreaming and scheming to get my hands on an ooni oven. You have no idea how much you inspire me. I pre-ordered your book and can’t wait to bake myself happy when it arrives. You are an amazing talent – and those words don’t even come close.

Here’s to more comfort, joy, rest, holidays…thanks for your lovely post!

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Hey Hazel - yes, it's super warm - we just don't cope well with extremes! Could do with a bit of aircon!!! haha! I'm very much channelling the 'on holiday' vibes right now!

Ahhh yes - I so want an Ooni too!

Have a wonderful week! xx

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Oh my... you don't have aircon or cold water for showers either! You poor thing... we happen to have aircon but we're cautioned not to use it during peak hours (i.e. the hottest part of the day, the only time we'd need it, go figure) for fear of blackouts. Worst case scenario - no electricity, fires, evacuations, all at once. It could happen. It happened to my aunts and uncles two years in a row. Ok! Back to 'on holiday' mentality while it lasts! Stay safe and sane this week Steph!

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glad you had a bot of adventure in your week! friends are a must. i had a chance to see my fav person this week and it makes all the difference. i made your energy balls from a few weeks ago and they’re chilling in the fridge now. sending love. xo

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Ahhh how lovely, so glad you managed to see your favourite person this week - so important to surround ourselves with people who lift us up I find! ooo fantastic - Let me know what you think of the energy balls! Sending loads of love back to you! xx

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💕definitely trying the pizza. I’ve been craving also.

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Yay! Pizza is always a good idea eh? xx

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