Why subscribe?

Good question… I have so little confidence in myself that actually, I could probably talk you out of subscribing to my own newsletter because, why do you need to hear anything I have to say?

In favour of subscribing, well… much as I don’t rate myself, my ability or what I know, when I really stop and think about it, I have quite a bit to share when it comes to sources of comfort.

For years I have struggled with my mental health, I’m not fixed, (are we ever ‘fixed’ - what even is fixed?), but I have definitely managed to find pleasure in some of life’s simple things - for me baking, cooking, developing nourishing wholesome dishes has been my greatest source of comfort, I’m also fascinated by the science and obsessed with learning new skills and tricks. So food and my journey of culinary discovery is the ‘comfort’ focus of this newsletter.

In addition to my foodie comforts, I will share all the useful recourses & recommendations that I know of, we’ll try to have the odd chat about our collective sources of comfort, I’ll discuss some of my other slightly diverse comforting interests - sport, books, the odd TV show, I’ll give you the odd life update, and hopefully we can build a little TCC community.

Stay up-to-date

Right so now you can silently slip away (thanks for taking the time to read as much as you have already) or you can click subscribe, I’ll be eternally grateful for your attention, and you can join me and a few others on this little journey.

Join the Family

… oh and on the subject of joining others, I’m hoping we can form a little TCC family full of love and sparkle (always sparkle!)


The Comfort Chronicles is an entirely self-funded newsletter that takes a fair amount of time and effort (*and a little bit of angst because I always want it to be PERFECT for you) to produce.

Promoting myself or selling my services doesn’t come easily to me AT all-  it feels impolite and I question my ability so much that I often don’t feel worthy.

However, I love writing and I want to be able to share my sheer JOY for baking, my discoveries, the comforts in my life and all the ups, and downs, via this newsletter. Therefore any support by way of a paid subscription would be HUGELY appreciated.

Subscribe to The Comfort Chronicles

All things COMFORT - mainly food, the odd activity & life update, a few resources & recommendations... a celebration of life's simple pleasures.


A pocket sized, complex cookie, seeking comfort in the simple things.